The '3AM' Wake Up Call

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Shane's POV

I don't give a damn about you

No, nothing can change my mind

No way

I'm happy just to let you walk away

Don't think about you at night

I'm happy to be alone

It's ok

But that was yesterday, and now I'm

"P-Please.. S-Shaney.." Drew slurred voice sounded through my mobile. He was drunk again; a weekly affair, I've noticed.

"No, Drew." I replied, in a stern tone. I refused to give in, I wasn't setting myself up to be hurt again.

"W-Why?" He hiccupped, followed by a heart wrenching sob.

"It's your fault, don't you remember?" I spat, I didn't need Drew's pathetic drunken behaviour at three in the morning.

"I-I know..." A hiccup sounded once more. "..b-but I love you.."

I laughed spitefully; bullshit. "Goodbye, Drew." My voice monotonous as I ended the call. Lying back into my warm bed and allowed the tears to flow. I hated him.

Driving in my car

Words don't get me far

When they don't mean shit


A few days had passed since Drew's last call, as they usually were. During that time I can only assume he was hiding his face in shame at the thought of him calling me pissed off his head; I hoped he was embarrassed. I don't see him anymore, I haven't since he moved out... well, since he was kicked out.

I'm calling you at 3 AM and I'm,

I'm standing here right outside your door

And I don't think that my heart can take much more

I'm scared of cracking up again, I just

Want it to be like it was before

'Cause I don't think that my heart can take more

3AM on Saturday morning; right on cue. I was expecting my phone to vibrate beside me, I don't bother falling asleep anymore; it's not like I'd sleep soundly knowing my drunken ex-boyfriend would call me begging for me to take him back. However, this time it wasn't a phone call, this time the ringing of my doorbell echoed throughout my house. He wouldn't, would he?

I don't give a damn what you do

I'm going to get with you


And that's the way this night is gonna end

You say that you need some time

How long does it take to see

That we are more than meant to be?

And now you're driving in your car

But you won't get far

'Cause your car is shit


"D-Drew?..." My voice faltered as I stared at the swaying male on my doorstep. My eyes dilated as he almost fell backwards off my front step; my automatic reaction was to grab him by the waist quickly. "What are you doing here?"

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