The Roadtrip

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"Drew, are you done packing for this weekend?" Shane asked his boyfriend of three years one evening. They were cuddled up on the sofa, Shane's arm slung around his smaller partner in a loving, protective manner whereas Drew was curled against him, legs hidden under his body and an arm swung around Shane's middle.

"Almost. I just need to wait for my jumpers to dry, and then I can pack them." Drew replied, not taking his eyes off the late night movie on the TV. It was a classic olden time horror movie, not something the pair would usually choose to watch, but Drew didn’t mind, it was just an excuse to have a cuddle from Shane and besides, there wasn’t anything else on that caught his interest.

"Jumpers?" Shane asked, looking at Drew with a bewildered expression.

"Yes, it’s the plural of jumper." Drew replied teasingly, looking up at his boyfriend and giggling.

"Shut up." Shane retorted chuckling as he pushed Drew to the side lightly. "I mean why are you bringing more than one?"

"What? Why not?" Drew asked, turning his head to the side like a confused puppy.

Shane resisted an 'aww' as he replied. "Drew, we're only going for three days, you don’t need any more than one jumper."

"But we're going to Scotland! It’s going to be freezing, and it’s due to snow!" Drew whined, pouting up at his amused partner.

"Sweetie, Scotland isn’t that cold, me and my family used to go every year, and you only need to bring one jumper and wear a hoodie on the way up. It’s not that hard to figure out."

"No. what if it gets dirty, or if I go in the snow and it gets wet? I need more than one."

"There's a launderette in the hotel and you are not, I repeat, not going out in the snow. Last time you did that you got the flu and I had to wait on you hand and foot for a week." Drew replied with another pout. "No, you know what happens when you’re ill; you become a nuisance to everyone around you."

Drew laughed. "Yeah, I guess I do, but I’m still bringing extra jumpers." He said and stood up, stretching.

"Why? We dont have enough room in the car!"

"Oh, Stop being so over dramatic, Shaney. It’s just a few jumpers." Drew replied and left the room.

Shane groaned in reply then rolled his eyes and followed his boyfriend out the room.

It was completely silent throughout the flat except from a few mumbles from the kitchen until Shane’s loud, shocked voice erupted from the silence.

"What do you mean, suitcase?!"

They left late Friday afternoon, planning on spending the next two nights in a hotel in Edinburgh until leaving and going home on Sunday. They felt like they needed a break and as Shane used to go up to Scotland ever year, they felt they could have a good time and felt comfortable in familiar environment. Shane took one sports bag full of the essentials and his clothes for the weekend whereas Drew was unable to be convinced to do the same and took one large suitcase full of clothes that Shane said was for a fortnight instead of a weekend, and a marvel backpack full of various items that he insisted was his needed 'drive bag'.

The drive to Scotland began uneventful, apart from them needing to stop off a few times due to Drew's consistent whining that his feet hurt or that he was hungry. Shane didn’t mind really, as long as Drew was happy, he was happy. That was until it began to snow. It came completely unexpected. One minute the sun was setting around them, the next it was as Shane said; "Shitting out white flakes of death!"

It was beginning to get dark; all Shane could see around the frantically moving windscreen wipers is his own squinting face. The satnav was beginning to run out of battery, making repeatedly monotone warnings that "Low battery. Please connect the charging cable soon." which Shane had managed to misplace a few weeks earlier and the snow was beginning to come down heavier than earlier, unnerving the couple of the safety of driving so they turned on the radio hoping to listen to the news, but unfortunately all that sounded from the device was a constant frustrating static.

"Shane, maybe we should stay somewhere for the night." Drew voiced, nervously. "It’s getting dangerous."

Shane bit his lip as he slowed the car slightly, the roads were becoming deeply coated in snow and Shane was finding it hard to ensure his and his lovers safety.

"Yeah, good idea. Next place we find, I’ll turn in." Shane replied, squinting out at the road making failing attempts to see through the frosty glass.

Drew smiled and settled comfortably in his seat, content knowing that they’ll be in the safety of a hotel room soon. That was until Shane’s car began to churn and rattle.

"What’s happening?" Drew mumbled, raising an eyebrow ahead of him.

The car rattled to a stop, making Shane swear loudly.

"No, no, no, no, no!" Shane shouted furiously while attempting to restart his uncooperative vehicle.

Drew stared out behind him. "We better move it to the side." He mumbled again. "It’s in the way."

Shane rested his forehead on his folded arms over the steering wheel, but Drew spotted him nodding slightly. Drew giggled, rubbing his boyfriends shoulder comfortingly before stopping out of the vehicle and into the freezing air.

Soon after the car was pushed onto the side of the road and Drew was sat back in the car, munching away on a packet of cheese and onion crisps that he packed in his drive bag. Shane was stood outside his car, leaning against the roof while on his phone, making multiple attempts of calling a car repair service but having no luck getting through to them.

After his eighth attempt he gave up, thrust his phone back into his pocket and returned to the driver seat. He slammed the door closed behind him, shutting out the blizzard and looked across at Drew, teeth chattering and his body quivering under his thin jacket hoodie.

"Honey, you okay?" Drew asked, placing his warm hand on his shaking lovers’ leg.

"I think I’m dying of Hypothermia." Shane quivered.

“No, I don’t think so.” Drew laughed, shaking his head lovingly. "Sweetie, how about I go out and fetch you another jacket?"

Shane shook his head. "This is the only one I’ve brought with me."

"One minute." Drew replied, rolling his eyes and stepping out of the car quickly. He then ran around to the boot. After a minute Drew returned, a striped jumper in hand. "Here take this."

"Thank you." Shane chattered, taking the item from his smirking boyfriend and quickly shoving it over his head. Once it was over his shivering form Shane rolled his eyes.

"Say it, I know you want to." He said, looking across at his still smirking partner.

"I told you you would need a spare jumper." Drew spoke victorious.

"I know." Shane replied lovingly, shuffling closer to his partner for warmth, which Drew gladly applied, slinging his arm around Shane and pulling him closer.

"Still, I told you." Drew mocked, drawing out the 'you'.

"Shut up." Shane whined, kissing Drew's smirking lips lightly.

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