The Promise

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WARNING: Themes of Self - Injury and attempted Suicide.

As Drew walked into the apartment that morning he knew something wasn't quite right. He stepped into the hallway he shared with his band mates and dropped his suitcase by the door, listening out for the familiar sounds of his friend’s morning routines. He heard nothing.

The silence began to frighten Drew. Staring down at the watch strapped to his right wrist, he began his search through the somewhat small apartment. It was 11am. Usually by this time, Laurence was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for them all, surrounding the flat with the clanging of pots and pans. Luke would be making cups of tea; coffee for Drew and Shane, blasting Metallica on his small iPod docking station. Shane would only just be waking up at this time and the sound of the shower jetting water would be heard sooner or later, and Kier? Probably annoying Laurence somewhere, the uplifting voice of his cheeky laugh filling the apartment with joy and hope.

Instead Drew heard none of this; instead Drew heard nothing. It was as if the flat was completely vacant, a rarity in their house. He hurried towards the calendar held in the empty kitchen and let his eyes skim across the flimsy page of 'October' until he found the 25th. Today they had: Nothing planned. What? It was a day off. Where were they?

He let his eyes wander across the calendar once more, eyes lighting up as he realized the date only 6 days away; Halloween. Halloween was always a fun time in the fearless vampire killer’s household; Drew remembered the events of last year. Loud music, alcoholic beverages, food which had adopted a 'spooky' name for the evening, and sex. That was what the young university dropouts next door did anyway. Their Halloween consisted of late night horror movies, endless bowls of sweets with 'gooey ghosts' and, specifically for Drew; Shane's cuddles. Drew will admit, he does occasionally fake fear to get a protective cuddle from Shane. All he would say on the matter is "what? Shane gives good cuddles!" in a snappy tone then blush furiously and look away.

He walked away from the kitchen and began his search in the bedrooms.

Luke's? Nothing. An unmade bed and hopefully unused laundry littered the room.

Kier and Laurence's? Again, nothing. Made beds that looked as if they'd been unoccupied for days.

Drew began to panic. Did they leave him? Have they gone on holiday without him? What if they have been kidnapped? He knew their fans were dedicated but they wouldn’t kidnap them would they?

Drew's mind began to flood with unwanted thoughts as he ran out of his friend’s bedroom and into his and his boyfriends.

"Shane, please, please, be in here." He pleaded in a murmur. He threw the door open to his bedroom and was met with the same loneliness as the past rooms. Drew whimpered in fear and confusion. This wasn't normal for them; they always let him know if they were going away or at least leave a note. Drew shoved his hand into his blazer pocket and pulled out his mobile phone. He quickly dialed a number that he knew by heart and placed the phone to his ear, running a hand through his sandy blond hair in distress. It wasn’t long until he heard the familiar ringtone of his boyfriend’s phone surrounded the room.

"Oh, Shane." Drew whispered with a frown, as he walked over to the source of the noise. Throwing back the covers of the bed they share he picked up the phone and decline his call.

Drew's mind was going a-wall. Shane never left the house without his phone, he knew how bad Drew's anxiety can be. Drew knew Shane's phone belonged in Shane's right back pocket at all times. What was it doing under their bed sheets when it was obvious Shane wasn’t here?

Drew placed Shane's phone in his right back pocket, just like Shane would, and rung the next best number.

1 ring. 2 rings. 3 rings.

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