The Light in the Hallway

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Author's Note:- Inspired by Pentatonix's 'Light in the Hallway'. 

Shane was fidgeting again, tossing and turning and sighing without knowledge whilst he was enclosed in the suffocating warmth of his duvet. His forehead shined with sweat, causing his hair to stick damp against his face and radiate heat onto his sleepless lover. Drew was fairly used to this occurrence nowadays, having experienced Shane's night terrors  on multiple occasions in the past; however, it was usually only regular when they were young.

"Shaney," Drew whispered from the sofa, sluggishly turning onto his side and staring down at the whimpering boy curled up on the floor. Regardless of how his form was concealed beneath a mass of blankets, he was trembling noticeably. "Hey, Shane?"
There was no response, bringing the boy to hum in confusion before reluctantly standing. He tiptoed across the floor, cautious to not alarm his friend before lowering himself beside him, his knees skimming the blankets.
"Shane," He repeated, extending a hand to place on where he assumed the boy's shoulder was. "Wake up."
At first, his friend didn't wake, continuing his whines and pants before being shaken once more. Shane suddenly cried out aloud, appearing delusional of his surroundings as he jolted upwards, frantically searching for something unknown within the darkness.
"W-Wha-" He stumbled, panting heavily in distress before his movements began to gradually pace, reality reforming.
"Hey, Shaney," Drew cooed, keeping a gentle arm steady on his shoulder while the other tucked his fringe behind his ears. "It's okay. You're okay."
"T-There was b-bugs." Shane whimpered, eyes squeezing shut as if to block out the memory. "A-And they were everywhere."
"There's nothing here, I promise," He returned, arm curling around his shoulder and across his back, pulling him into a hug. "We're alone, just you and I."
Shane nodded, returning the tight embrace.

Drew sighed, a deep frown on his lips as he watched his boyfriend struggle. He leant over, pressing a loving kiss to his damp forehead, knowing it wouldn't disturb him, before moving and leaving the room. He headed down the hallway of their shared flat, rubbing his eyes tiredly as he wandered past photographs of their shared past adorning the walls and into the kitchen. He stood in the dark, the light bulb having needed changing days ago - alike majority in the home, as he flicked the switch of the kettle into boil. He then found Shane's beloved mug, a worn band's logo printed around it, and began to tip chocolate powder into it. He felt gracious that early morning, adding one more spoonful than necessary. Sighing once more he completed adding ingredients until the kettle sung, making his boyfriends favourite beverage before throwing the teaspoon into the sink and aiming back towards the bedroom. He had made sure beforehand to flick on the switch of the hallway light - it being the only one to work beside Shane's art room.
"Baby?" Drew mumbled, placing the mug on the table beside Shane, who was still struggling. Crawling onto the bed, Drew settled beneath the covers once more before bringing Shane close, knowing the rough handling would wake him.
"D-Drew," Shane croaked out, immediately snuggling tightly into his lover's arms. Over the years nightmares hardly fazed Shane while conscious, having become accustomed to the journey from terror to reality; only if something new occurred within the dream was he startled.
"It's okay." His boyfriend replied, squeezing him slightly as he pressed his lips to the top of his head. "You're home."
Shane turned slightly, resting his head on Drew's chest as he stared out towards the entrance to their room, watching the lit hallway.
"We're alone." He added, a hand waving through Shane's sweat-slicked hair.
Shane nodded, releasing a deep breath before settling, his muscles beginning to relax, causing them to ache slightly in strain. Once Shane felt calm enough to move, he sluggishly sat, turning his head to the left and reaching for his hot chocolate, knowing without question that it'd be waiting for him. They'd had this routine too long to suspect otherwise.
"3 spoonfuls tonight?" He stated after taking a sip, having memorized the different tastes of Drew's generosity.
His boyfriend chuckled, gazing up at him with a grin. "You looked like you needed it."
Shane returned the soft laughter, yet his eyes held sorrow and his smile hardly reached full potential. With one hand grasping the mug the other ran down through Drew's fringe, then dropping lower so the back of his forefinger could stroke his cheek. He then returned his mug to his nightstand, before snuggling back beneath the covers, the couple repeating their previous position yet the roles reversed. Drew preferred this more, feeling as if there were no demons lurking near when Shane held him in his arms.
"Which one was it?" He asked in a small voice, pressing a soft kiss to his lovers bare chest.
"Darkness," was his response, and he knew of it instantly. It was a particularly tough one for his boyfriend; a nightmare in which he was alone, unable to see his own hand in front of him, yet he could feel himself being touched, having his skin being prodded and pinched a thousand times yet being unable to find the sources.
Drew sighed, cuddling closer in comfort.
"We'll keep the light on tonight." He whispered, his palm running down his boyfriends chest, feeling him relax into the touch. It was progress, the first time he'd had that nightmare Shane hadn't let Drew touch him for two days afterwards.
"Thank you, Drew," He responded, sniffling slightly yet Drew knew he'd fight it away. The smaller of the two rose, towering over the other slightly before meeting their lips in a small, soft kiss. Shane managed a weak smile once they pulled apart, Drew giggling at the sight and bringing it to widen.
"Goodnight." He whispered, returning to Shane's chest.
"Sweet dreams," was the response he received, a shaky hand caressing his beloved's back.

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