The Man on the edge

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WARNING: Mentions of Suicide

Shane was on his way from work when he saw the man. He was making his way towards the multi-storey car park near his work, a shitty part time job at a local shoe store which he hates, when he found a man perched on the edge of the car park, staring down at the ground underneath them with a dazed expression. Shane was clutching a bag of Chinese food he ordered on his way to his car, he was too exhausted from his day of screaming children and angry parents to cook. He planned on having a night in, putting his feet up and watching the recent episode of ‘Supernatural’ on TV but, he couldn’t leave the man. Something was drawing him to him, he was afraid that if he left him there, he’d do something stupid.

“U-Um, H-Hi.” Shane spoke apprehensively.

The man on the edge turned around in shock and Shane lifted his hand towards him in fear of him falling off.

“What do you want?” The man said hopelessly, sniffling.

He was dressed in a grey hoodie, done up to the top, blue faded skinny jeans and black converse. He had his hood up so Shane couldn’t see much of his hair but of what he could see, it was a sandy blonde colour.

“I-I-” I should have thought this through, Shane thought.

“Right.” The man said and turned back around.

Shane sighed slightly, He doesn’t want to speak to me.

“P-Please.” Shane said, helplessly, holding out his hand towards the now shivering man.

Suddenly, the man stood up, Shane gasped, thinking he was going to jump, but to his surprise he turned around and stepped over the railing, onto the safety of the carpark.

The man looked up at Shane.

“What do you want, Mister?” He snapped.

“I-I want to help.” Shane said calmly, giving the man a warm smile. He just laughed.

“Help? Help?! How can you possibly help me?”

“In any way I can.” Shane stayed calm; he didn’t know what else to do.

“Oh, please.” The stranger said, sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “People always do when you’re about to jump. No one really cares; otherwise they wouldn’t make me feel this way in the first place!” He shouted the last bit louder than the rest.

The stranger began to shiver furiously, tears streaming down his face. All Shane wanted to do was hold this man, wipe his tears away and take away this hurt he was feeling.

“I’m not like them. I do care, I promise, I won’t hurt you, please.” Shane began to get desperate; he was so scared; scared for the man in front of him.

“I don’t believe you.” The stranger whispered, turning away and stepping over the rails again.

“No, please!” Shane shouted, stepping closer to the man.

The stranger sighed loudly and sat down, looking at the city underneath. Shane walked over to the man, stepped over the small rail and sat on the edge, next to the stranger.

“Who are you?” The man whispered, looking anywhere else but at Shane.

“My name is Shane, Shane Sumner.” Shane whispered back, eyeing the man carefully, preparing to grab him if he saw any slight movement in the man.

The man nodded in reply.

“What about you?” Shane asked, trying to make conversation; anything to distract the crying man in front of him.

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