The Infection (FVK/The Walking Dead)

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Drew’s POV

I wasn’t sure when it started; this plague. I don’t know why either. All I know is that it took those most dearest to me, and turned them into monsters. Vile, disgusting, vomit inducing animals. 

Although, judgement day seemed to have begun way before I was aware of it, I still remember the day it hit us. I remember it like it was only this morning, the day Shane and I began to run.

A loud slam echoed through the flat, followed by thundering footsteps as Shane sped into the living room, snatching the remote from my grasp and changing the channel. 

“Oi! I was watching that!” I snapped, a mouthful of my morning breakfast cereal as I glared at my boyfriend of four years. 

He merely shushed me, a trembling finger to his lips as his whole attention was on the ‘BBC’ news channel that he turned my horror movie onto. 

“…Reports from Scotland and upper regions show they are now in lockdown… we’ve been issued straight orders to not leave homes… Stay inside..” 

My eyes widened as I sat up straight in my chair, my now soggy cereal forgotten as I stared at the images on the screen, bodies littering the streets and gravel painted red in every direction. “S-Shane…” I breathed, my bowl falling to the floor as I clutched my partners hand. “W-What’s happening?” 

I didn’t receive a reply. Shane stood, turning off the TV and hurried to the window, opening it up and looking down at the ground below us; we lived on the twelfth floor of a 24 storey tower block. “We need to get out of here.” I heard his deep mumble before he ran from the room and towards our bedroom.

“What?!” I exclaimed in disbelief, following him into the room and staring with wide eyes as he grabbed two backpacks, beginning to pack. “B-But… T-The news…” 

“We need to get away.” He replied, looking over at me with panicked eyes, throwing a bag in my direction that I swiftly caught. “Get packing some food; just the canned stuff and water. Grab some medical supplies too.” 

“Shane, please!” I cried, shaking my head as I approached him, my heart speeding as I pleaded for him to listen to me. “We can’t leave. It’s too dangerous outside.” 

“Drew, it’s dangerous here!” He responded in the same tone, turning to me as I finally caught his attention. 

“W-We’ve got food. Shelter… we can stay here.” 

Shane shook his head, whimpering slightly in frustration at my argument. “What if they come in here? We’ll be trapped; they’ll corner us as they start coming up the stairs.” 

I whined, shaking my head more. I didn’t want to leave, Shane and I had built a life here; we found it all ourselves and I felt like it was being taken from me. 

“Drewie, Baby,” He whispered, placing his hands on my biceps as he stared deep into my eyes, finding a sense of calm in his sparkling orbs. “We need to go. We’ll find somewhere safe, I promise.” He gave me a small smile, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead before releasing me and continuing to pack clothes.

I took a deep breath and left the room, beginning to find anything useful to take with us. 

That was over a year ago, and we never did find that safe place. A place to start again; they don’t exist anymore. At first, Shane and I thought it was just the United Kingdom, but it isn’t. The entire world is ending, resulting in corpses finding the ability to wake again, without the use of a beating heart or working brain. 

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