The Fairy-tale Crush

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Shane's POV

I can't see through the stars in my eyes

And I don't recall breathing steady

Ever since you've been in my life

So let me catch my breath

Before you steal it once again

I should be dead by now

Trudging through the hallways has always been a struggle. If it wasn't for the chewing gum littered carpet and the misplaced bins that are always in the most awkward of places, it was the confinement of the whole concept. I've decided that people at my school should never learn to drive; they would certainly cause a crash. I mean, who stops in the centre of a crowded hallway? It’s absurd.

I had always been a victim of bullying; it’s nothing new to me… Well it’s not really bullying as such, just a few remarks here and a couple of shoves there, nothing major. I was used to it. Being me, it was bound to happen. With my blond hair windswept over my face – a pair of regularly cleaned steam-punk goggles perched precisely on top, rectangular spectacles placed in front of my eyes, my slim figure and my interest in the creative arts wasn't exactly going to help me make friends. However I had managed to make a few; three to be precise. Luke Illingworth; a tall, broad guy from my Science class, Laurence Beveridge; the school’s ‘Emo’ misfit who happens to be in my ICT class on Thursday mornings, and Kier Kemp; we hide in the boys toilets every Tuesday together when we have P.E. He jokes around a lot and likes to think he’s a bit of a ‘badass’, most people think he’s a twat.

Walking down the abominable hallway to my locker I gazed down at my feet. I never felt comfortable in crowds… or in the presence of people at all, to be honest so when I walked I always stared at the ground, then I wouldn't have to see anyone glaring disgustedly in my direction. However this technique didn't seem to be very effective when I crashed into something ahead of me, causing me to tumble to the floor, releasing a squeak as my glasses flew off, soon followed by the piercing laughter of my peers surrounding the scene.

“Aww, poor wickle Shane-y fell over.” I heard a remark from above me.   Probably, Kyle. He always found joy in spiting people, especially me.

“Shut up, Jevons. Don’t be a dick.” A second voice sounded around the hallway, one that I couldn't place a name and face to.

“Watch your mouth, Woolnough.” I heard Kyle snap back as I lifted myself into a crouching position on the floor.

I was met with a sight that would stay in my mind forever. Drew Woolnough; one of the most well-known guys in my school was leaning down to me, the look of pure sympathy and concern plastered across his face.

“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, crouching down to eye level. I nodded frantically and blushed heavily as I turned my squinting gaze towards the ground, frantically feeling around the floor for my glasses.

“Here, let me help.” He stated, placing something over my face and I blinked quickly, adjusting my vision as I felt his hands on either side of my face, placing the said spectacles on the bridge of my nose.

“T-Thank you.” I squeaked as I looked back up at my saviour. His perfectly straightened blonde hair was swept across his forehead, shaping his face perfectly. His gorgeous gleaming eyes were outlined with a thin trail of eyeliner, making his sparkling orbs the center of attention, and his plump pink lips were curved into a timid, reassuring smile.

“No Problem.” He chuckled, making my cheeks redden more. I watched as he stood and turned back to his friends, walking down the hallway with them. “See you later.” He called back to me. I really hoped I would.

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