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Connor's Pov

I was shocked. Sky was now living here at our house. Yes I know just for a week or so, but even though I could win her back. I know I can. But this time I wouldn't let her worry about me leaving her. I don't know why I cried but I did. I remember everything about me and Sky. Love has a lot of meanings but I guess I still don't know what it's was for me.

Someone knocked. "Come in!" I yelled. Riley came in and sat beside me.

"Bro, I know you miss her but you need to move on." He said.

"Riley you don't understand, I still love her but I know she doesn't want me to love her again."

"Bro, there's a lot of girls around there, c'mon!" He said. Why does he wants me to move on about us so soon.

"Riley. She's different."

"Connor, if you love her you should have fight for her when she-

"I did fight for her! You don't know what happened dude! So please lay off." I tried to calm myself.

"Woah! Bro, I didn't mean it to hurt you. C'mon breakfast ready." He stood up he notices me not following him.

"You coming?" He had a worried expression.

"Be there in a minuet."

I don't know what to do!?

Skylar's Pov

I walked to the living room seeing Toby watch tv. I sat beside him.

"Hey! Sky!"


We watched local news. Which shocked me a 14 year old watching news is new. Riley came down wearing a worried look. He sat beside Toby and burried his face in his hands. Oh-Kay quite awkward.

"We'll good morning to you too!" I greet Riley.

"Oh yeah sorry."

"I was hoping you would say a good morning back.."

"Oh yeah.. Good morning !" He said with a weird face. Oh Riley!

We ate breakfast quite silent. Not quite more of a VERY SILENT. I don't know what's up with them but they all look depressed except Toby and Casper. Guessing who is Casper that's my imaginary friend awesome huh! Nahh not really.

Connor got down looking like a zombie, not to be mean but he looks like he haven't have much sleep. I stared at him quite very long I don't know why but I can't take my eyeballs from him. He looks at his plate like its the most interesting thing ever. I cleared my throat.

"I'll be going , need to do house hunting." I said. All of them mumbled a 'sure'

I shrugged and went upstairs to get my phone and my wallet. Once I'm done I got back down, Braiden and Thomas are here. When they saw me its like their eyes got huge as a basket ball.

"Connor. I thought you a Sky broke it off already?" Thomas asked looking like a lost puppy.

"We did."I said.

"Then why are you here?Not to sound rude just curious." Braiden asked.

"Yeah just need a place to stay besides me and Connor are just friends. Right Connor?" I looked at Connor.

"Yeah." And I'm sure I heard him say to himself a 'nothing more than friends' I know we're officially over but that actually hurt.

"Where your going?" Riley asked.

"I told you guys I'll be house hunting awhile ago were you listening?"

"Oh sorry just zoned out a bit." I shrugged and went out of the house to search for an apartment.

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