Chapter 10

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Connor's POV

I woke up realizing Sky beside me. She looks so peaceful. The sunlight was hitting her face perfectly like she was glowing. She was kinda like a cute puppy if you were in my position. I am one lucky boy to have her.

' Don't you remember what happened last night?' My thought came bombarding me with the questions that was making me frown all of a sudden.

I know Sky wouldn't keep secrets from me. She would tell me at the right time. Besides Riley knows I love Sky he wouldn't do anything. Right?

'Stop convincing yourself Connor, you know something's up.'

Shut up brain ugh! It's the start of the day and I'm not going to jump to conclusions. But there was something lingering in the back of my head.

Riley was acting weird this past few days. What if Sky and him was--

"RILEY IS MISSING!!" Thomas yelled towards the living room frustration written on his face.

Wait Riley's missing? I frantically stood up and went towards Braiden.

" Hey Braiden what is Thomas yelling about?" I asked nervously trying to keep calm.

"Oh that. Riley's missing and we need to find him. We're having meet and greets later the fans might assume on something. You know they're like the most protective fans ever." Braiden says grabbing his phone.

"In a good way." Toby added and rushed towards the door.

Thomas followed with his keys.

"Come on guys, I'm really worried about him. I woke 3:07 in the morning (A/N if you watched conjuring then you get it. But hey it doesn't connect on anything on this scenario don't worry.) and he was missing but he never came back and now it's quarter to 12."

"That long!?" I shrieked. "Well let's go!" I was about to go out of the room and I remembered Sky.

I decided to write a quick note using her CORNEY joke about the pumpkin store before back in Australia.








Thomas drove while Braiden went shotgun Toby and I was left at the back seat.

Then it hit me. Toby knows something about last night. I know him to well to trick me.

" Hey Toby."

He was intently looking at his phone

"Yeah?" He asked calmly.

"What's going on about Riley and Sky?" He shrugs and tries to act cool.

" I know you know something so spill."

Toby sighed. He was about to open his mouth when my phone received a call.

"Wait." I said looking at my phone it was Sky.

Phone convo

S - Sky

C- Connor

C: hello?

S: go to the streets of Starbucks across the road. Now.

C: woah ! Why so urgent.

Her voice was ringing with mixed emotions. But one emotion stands out. Worry.

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