Chapter 7

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Sky's POV

I grab my glass and placed it in the sink. I chuckled to myself. I told myself to like stop loving but look at me now going on a date with the person I told myself to stop loving. Huh, love is stronger whatever happens. Though Connor has a part of my normal living environment so I guess it's better to follow your heart and see what miracle could come its way

I went to Daniel and my room. I decided to take a bath. After taking a quick bath I went towards my closet with my towel obviously. I wear my undergarments and all blah blah. I went to my clothes and decided to wear a Sunday dress. It has peachy pink color with a tiny bow below my chest. I let my wavy tamed hair flow behind me.

I decided with a simple cherry lip balm. I grab my black leather jacket and my phone.

On my way out I saw a ring. It was Connor and I's promise ring thing. I grab it and decided to wear it.

I was sitting on the couch and found my purse. I placed it inside my small bag.

"Connor your such a girl!" I yelled. I finished before him. Usually the girls stays longer in her room to get ready.

"Am not!" He yelled back rushing towards to the living room.

He stood infront of me then bowed.

"Mah lady." He says with a funny accent extending his hand.

I politely took it. "My pleasure."

He leads me to his car. He opens my door and I slide in. He did a quick jog to the opposite side but failed. I started laughing. I hear him say.

'Ugh! Wrong move Connor wrong move' I saw him face palm himself.

He gets in and drives.

It was kinda quiet the whole ride but it's still comfortable. He parked at the cinema area. He turns of the radio and gets the keys. He got out and jogs towards my door.

I beat him to it making him groan.

"That was my gesture!" He says grabbing my hand.

"Bleh." I said. We got in and well Connor bought popcorn and stuff. We got in and well took our sits.

In the whole movie I didn't seem to watch it cause Connor keeps on talking to me. Not that I hate it it was just annoying.

"No! He can't die!" Connor yelled out of the blue. All eyes were on him making him blush.

"Sorry." He mumbled. His so cute.

The movie was almost at the end and it was the happy ending.













And it finally ended.

Connor stretched and yawns.

"Let's go to Starbucks!" He says excited. We both head to Starbucks. He was like on drugs or something. He was so hype for Starbucks. Well who wouldn't right?

We sat at the two person tables and well sip our drinks.

"How come you love Starbucks?" I asked wiping my mouth.

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