"I Know Who You Are"

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(Her point of view)

I am, once again, standing just at the foot of the altar in complete silence. I look around the overly large room, searching for any sign of Adrielle's presence. I wait. And wait.....

And wait.....

I am beginning to get a little worried. I hope that Thor did not have a last minute change of heart.

Then, out of nowhere, I feel a slight breeze beginning to flow through the room, summoning the candles' flames to its will.

"Adrielle?" I ask. But all that follows is silence. The air continues to flow, causing my cloak to lightly dance at my feet. My eyes instinctively move up in the direction of the stained glass window. There, just behind it, I can barely make out her familiar, pink glow. It brightens as the wind continues to slowly increase in speed.

"Christine," her voice carries out blissfully over the wind's whispers.

"Christine, it is so good to see you again, child." I move up the steps, walking past the glass case that contains the sword that had once slain Sethos.

"Is he coming, Adrielle? Did he agree to come here?" I ask, my voice laden in anxiousness.

"Hold tight, my dear. It might get slightly windy." Then, in the blink of an eye, a powerful gust of wind rips through the air around me. The many candles' tiny flames are drowned as my cloak now whips violently up into the air behind my back. I have to shield my eyes from the sting of the winds. Though I keep them closed, I can feel the heat from an even brighter light hovering in the air above my head. Suddenly, there is a loud crashing sound followed by a rumble beneath my feet. It startles me so abruptly that I almost fall to the ground. The wind is so powerful, I am forced to my knees, tucking myself away within the heavy fabric of my cloak. I keep my eyes closed for a little longer until I finally feel a lift in the wind's ferocious strength.

Eventually, I look up, uncovering my face as I stand. I see that the candles have all somehow magically reignited themselves. But as my eyes swiftly scan the room, they come to a figure. I focus in, seeing that there is a large man standing a short distance away with his back to me. A long, red cape drapes from his broad shoulders all the way down to the floor. His long, blond hair hangs a few inches below his neckline. I see that he is clutching an odd looking hammer in one of his enormous hands. My shoe makes a muted thud against the stone as I take a single, cautious step forward. At the sound, his head whips around in my direction. Our eyes meet, and I gasp. He is really here!

I take a moment to study his features. His jawline is prominent. His face, sturdy and thick. He sports a husky shadow of a beard, but he wears it well. He is tall. Very tall. Maybe just as tall as Loki or Link. Everything about him screams strength, confidence, and arrogance. But as I look into the crystal clear blue of his eyes, I sense a tender kindness lying behind them. Wow....Loki was right. I can see how he might find he and Link so much alike. Despite the color of their hair and eyes, their features and body build are identical; as well as the initial air of their presence.

I see his eyes widen at my appearance. I offer him a smile before chancing one more step closer.

"Thor?" I barely ask above a whisper. He seems to be studying me as I continue walking forward.

"Thor, it is alright."

He is slightly hunched over in a protective stance, eyeing my every move most warily.

"I am Christi-"

"I know who you are," his deep, thundering voice interrupts. Despite the slight intimidation in his tone, I hold out a hand in his direction. I inch closer until I am only a few short paces from him. His eyes remain stone cold as they scorch into mine.

Darkness Revealed (A Loki Love Story) Book 2 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now