A Choice

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(His point of view)

I make it to her chamber doors in record time. I burst in without even knocking. As it is still daylight, her room is brightly illuminated by the evening sun. I scan the area, anxiously hoping to find her. But much to my disappointment, she is nowhere to be seen. As my eyes move across every inch of the room, I quickly notice that her piano lid is still up. She must have played some....I wonder which melody she chose.....

I rapidly divert my mind from this, allowing my eyes to further take in my surroundings until they finally fall to a single piece of parchment that is sprawled out over her neatly made bed. There is a single, pale pink rose resting across it, beautifully blossomed and radiant. I inch forward, focusing in on the now faintly visible and all too familiar handwriting that is sketched across the ivory paper. Once I am closer, I reach out a hand but hesitate for fear of what it might say. Don't be stupid, Loki.....it is just a simple note....

I take the precious flower in one hand whilst retrieving the note in the other and bring it up to my face.

My Dearest Love,

I have gone out for a bit, but do not worry. I have only gone to the secret cavern on the shore. I am not certain as to what time I shall return, but please do not feel as though you must wait up for me. I am truly sorry for the distress I have brought upon you. I can assure you that it was unconsciously done. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me. And I truly hope that one day, you will understand.

I love you, Loki. Always.

Yours only,


I read the letter several times over. I do not realize that I am clutching the rose too tightly until I feel warm liquid dripping down one of my fingers. As I bring my hand up, I find that one of the thorns has pricked my skin, summoning blood. "Sorry for the distress that I have caused......"

"find it in your heart to forgive me...."

"One day, you will understand....."

I read the specific lines over and over and over.

Christine......there is nothing to forgive.....I was the foolish one.....the idiotic one......If there is anyone that should be begging for forgiveness, it is me.

I sigh, letting the parchment fall from my hands to the floor beneath my feet. Despite the slightly throbbing pain that is now pulsing through my finger, I cling to the rose even tighter. How I wish she were here.

I untuck my tunic and kick off my boots before sprawling out across her bed. I place the rose over my heart and stare up at the ceiling. She went to her hiding place. She once told me that she goes there to be alone....to think......

A sudden tidal wave of anxiety roars through me. What if she went there because she is second guessing her feelings for me? What if she is considering postponing the wedding? What if she is regretting everything we have ever shared?

I squint my eyes shut, attempting to shield myself away from the nightmarish thoughts. No....she would not regret being with me....she has proven her love for me time and time again....Surely she would not be questioning us now. Surely.....

I am beginning to internally panic. Please....for the love of gods.....please do not turn your back on me, Christine....I need you so much more than you realize. Without you, I have nothing.....

Darkness Revealed (A Loki Love Story) Book 2 in Darkness SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now