Chapter 2

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I walked into the class room and sighed in relief. I saw that the other students were staring at me, probably confused why I'm here. I gulped as I stood near the front door, "U-Um..."

Just then I felt someone push me, trying to get passed the door. I heard the strangers voice, "Move it." His voice was in a soft whisper. My eyes widened as I made a face, watching the other as they made their way to their desk.

It's him. The same guy I ran into.


I jumped a bit and turned my head towards the teacher. "You must be the new student, _Y/N_. Correct?"

"Y-Yes Sir." I stuttered out, hearing small snickers in the background, making me gaze downwards.

"Well then, welcome to our class. Mind introducing yourself?" They gestured to the front of the classroom.

I nodded, slowly shuffling over to the front, "H-Hello." I bowed a bit while having to tuck in a few strands of hair behind my ear.

"I'm _Y/N_... Nice to meet all of you." I waved a bit with a soft smile. The class stared at me and I quickly stopped waving. Gosh the tension of being new sucks.

"Good. Now can you sit in front of Jun Kai? The boy near the window in the third seat in row five."

I nodded and walked over there slowly. One thing I was walking near the front desks and making my way to my seat. And the next thing I knew it I was on the ground.

I could hear the whole class laugh and my face flushed with embarrassment. A boy in the third row just had to stick his foot out for me to trip on, great.

I slowly got up from my awkward position and looked back at the boy, seeing it was the same boy that was next to the guy I bumped into this morning. He was snickering and had on a playful grin, like a child's. I could tell he was a playful guy when I first saw that smile.

"Wang Yuan! Apologize to _Y/N_ right now." The teacher scolded. The boy stopped laughing and looked up at me from his seat, "Sorry~" He stuck out his tongue and winked at me. I blinked, my eyebrows furrowed and I sighed.

This was going to be a toughie isn't it... I huffed slightly, dragging my feet as I went to go find my seat.

'You've got to be kidding me...'

 I narrowed my eyes a bit at the same boy that I bumped into. 'What is this some kind of kdrama?' I rolled my eyes, setting my backpack down and sat in the seat in front of him.

"Tch.. What an idiot.."

What did he just say?

I quickly turned back and locked eyes with him. "What did you just say?"

He gazed back in shock before narrowing his eyes with a small smirk. "Hey. Turn around." He spoke loudly before flicking my forehead.

What the--

I glared at him, rubbing my forehead as I turned around.


- After Morning Class & Lunch -

'Fifteen more minutes until this torture ends.' I thought while gritting my teeth. This Jun Kai guy and his friend were a real pain in the butt. Snapping rubber bands at me and throwing paper balls while the teacher wasn't looking. The cheerful and playful one, Wang Yuan, would aim paper balls at me and throw them once in a while. Jun Kai would snap rubber bands behind my head and flick my forehead if I ever turned around to glare at him. 'They act like typical rich kids.' I thought while clenching my pencil, trying to write down the notes from the board. Not before long did the bell ring and I sighed in relief. 'Thank god class is over.' I thought while taking my things. I walked out the class room but got shoved bit from behind.

"Hey new girl. You should really learn to stop blocking the door like that." I heard a voice behind me as I stumbled, trying to regain my balance. "You also walk too slow!~" A cheery voice spoke. I looked behind me and there they were. The two jerks that kept bothering me in class. Wang Jun Kai and Wang Yuan. They walked out the class room and not before long did another boy walked over to join them. He was taller then Wang Yuan but shorter then Jun Kai. He had on a blank expression and he looked me up and down. "New target huh?" He asked the two.
"Yeah. Since the last target got transferred out. This target's a new girl in our class, Qian Xi." Jun Kai sneered. "Guess they couldn't handle it anymore."
"Wasn't she the one that bumped into you this morning?" Wang Yuan cooed.
"Yeah. It was like... Mm.. Target at first sight?" He laughed while eyeing me. I looked at the three of them with a raised brow. "Excuse me?" I blinked while giving them a look.

Jun Kai turned towards me and smirked, "You're our new target. And since you're our target that means we get to mess with you."
"What?!" My eyes widened in shock before folding my arms, "What makes you thin-"
"Plus! You were so easy to get picked on this morning! You're like the easiest target ever!" Wang Yuan giggled happily before giving me a mischievous look. "We like an easy target."
I took a step back a bit, "Uh..." I gulped a bit. 'H-How can a cute cheerful kid such as Wang Yuan turn into so mischievous all of the sudden?!' I thought while locking eyes with them.

"Heh. Alright then. See you around new girl." Jun Kai waved before walking passed me, bumping into my shoulder while the other two followed him. I sighed, frustrated that my new life of high school is gonna be like this. Great. Just Great.

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