Chapter 10: Fight back

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[ 小老虎 ]
Message: This has gone far enough! You need to stick up for yourself!! D:<
- 1:43pm

[ Me ]
Message: But I don't wanna cause trouble! If I did then there's no one there to help me! Even the freaking teachers are scared of this guy.
- 1:44pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Doesn't matter!! >^< You have to stick up for yourself! I listen to you rant everyday about him and I just wanna teleport over to you and smack that guy's stupid face!! I don't want you getting hurt!!
- 1:45pm

[ Me ]
Message: But but!
- 1:46pm

I sighed quietly but smiled at his texts. I was leaning on the girl's restroom's walls while texting 小老虎 since I didn't have the nerve to go back into my classroom right now after what happened.

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: No buts! I want you to stick up for yourself no more letting them beat you up!
- 1:47pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: If not then I will personally go up to him and fight him!! Let me fight him! I can beat him up! XD
- 1:47pm

[ Me ]
Message: Haha I rather you come and cuddle with me instead uwu but yeah I guess I'll stick up for myself. I'm sick of him and his two friends pushing me around! owo;;
- 1:48pm

I giggled a bit before sighing happily.

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: That's it! You go girl!! Work it! Fight his sorry butt!!
- 1:48pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Ah. Gotta go. Teachers looking this way ;P
- 1:49pm

[ Me ]
Message: Alright TwT
- 1:51pm

I looked up from the phone and bit my lip. Should I really stick up for myself though? I really don't wanna cause trouble for myself but... But I don't want to be their little doll anymore.

"_Y/N_!~ Don't be scared! Your just gonna be our doll for a while!"

"Come here my doll. Don't run away now~ I need to teach you a lesson."

"Be a good girl and don't fret. Close your eyes. It'll only hurt if you struggle."

I shivered at Jun Kai's and the other three's voices floating around my head. I looked down and rolled up my uniform sleeve, revealing cuts and bruises. I balled up my fist and nodded to myself. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna stand up for myself. Or try to at least...

There wasn't any point in going back to class since the bell's gonna ring any moment. I walked out the restroom and jumped a bit when I saw Jun Kai standing near the doorway. "J-Jun Kai!? Why are you-"
"You weren't coming back and I didn't wanna let you out of my sight." He said bluntly with a blank expression. What is he my bodyguard?

His expression then changed to a soft one. He smirked softly and walked closer to me. Right before I could run back into the restroom he grabbed my wrist, bringing me close to him. He lifted my chin and wrapped the back of my waist with his arm, trapping me in. "Naughty girls get punished." He whispered in my ear and locked his eyes with mine. I squirmed in his grasp and shifted my eyes to the side so I wouldn't fall for his deep brown eyes. "Let go idiot." I murmured.
"What?" He raised a brow before tugging my hair a bit with that hand that was on my waist. "Did the doll just talk back to me?" He gave me an amused look. "Bad girl." He shook his head, bringing my face close to his. At this point I thought his lips were gonna meet mines since our face was that close.

I pierced my lip and shut my eyes, "I said let go." I repeated once more. I wasn't gonna let him do this anymore. I wasn't gonna let him touch me or harass me anymore.
"Huh. The doll trying to act tough hm?"
"I'm not your doll. Now let go."
"Ohoho~ You weren't that feisty before! What happe-"
"Shut up!! Shut up shut up shut up!!" I shoved him away forcefully. Jun Kai blinked a bit, taken aback on what I just did to his spoiled self. He didn't even try to hit me he just stared at me, wide eyed. Like he was surprised.

- Jun Kai's POV -

'What the hell? Did she just shove me?' I blinked. I... I never seen _Y/N_ like this before. Even after all those days when I bullied her. She usually just let it happen or call me names a bit. She never actually truly fought back. I think she snapped a bit. I stared a her, she had anger flaring in her eyes. She gritted her teeth before rubbing both her arms, "J-Just leave me alone!!" She stuttered a bit. "Your a spoiled typical rich kid! Why can't you just live your life without ruining others!?" She shouted before the bell rang.

I looked up a bit and looked back down slightly. _Y/N_ quickly ran passed me, going back to the classroom to get her things before running back out again. Laughter could be heard all around her when she ran from seeing her still a bit wet. I stood there, dumbfounded. Did she just yell at me? Someone as pathetic as her actually yelled at me!? I realized what just happened and growled lowly, "Stupid. Heh whatever. You don't scare me. Just you wait." I muttered to myself before storming off to go look for Wang Yuan and Qian Xi.

{ Eheheh! Stay tuned for the next chapter! C: }

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