Chapter 5: Really?

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Class went by like yesterday, torture and pathetic as heck. I had to restrain myself from turning around and throwing my pencil at Jun Kai. He really has nothing to do then to bother me does he. Hah. I mean even if I'm his dumb target maybe he could at least let me concentrate on this stupid work. I sighed, clenching my pencil as I solved some math problems. Soon after the teacher called me up to solve one of those goddamn problems up on the board. "_Y/N_. Would you please solve number 25?" The teacher asked politely while sitting in his desk. I got up slowly and walked up to the board, taking the chalk and beginning to solve the problem.

I sighed a bit, finishing up the problem so I wouldn't have to stand in front of the class. Just as I was about to turn around a goddamn paper ball hit the back of my head. I gritted my teeth, sick and tired of stuff being thrown at me. "Wei!!" I turned around quick and glared straight at Jun Kai. "Can you stop throwing stuff at me!? Your really annoying you know." I huffed, crossing my arms.
Jun Kai looked at me with the same blank expression, "Hah? Why are you yelling at me? I didn't throw anything at you. It was that guy." He sat up straight in his seat, probably pretending to act dumb, and pointed at the guy that sat next to him.
I let out a big sigh, "Oh haha. Whatever. You and your little friend..." I pointed at Wang Yuan, shooting him a small glare before looking back at Jun Kai, "...Have been throwing paper balls and shooting rubber bands at me for the past hour. Why wouldn't it be you?"
"Cause it wasn't." He barked.

"Enough. Who was it really?" The teacher looked up from his book, giving the class an unsatisfied look. The guy that Jun Kai pointed to shakily raised his hand up, "M-Me..." He gulped. I blinked while giving him a confused look, "Hah?"
"I-I was just gonna toss the crumbled paper into the trash bin but I guess I threw the ball to high?" He chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck. When he mentioned he threw the ball to high, half the class snickered and giggled. I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment and bit my lip. The teacher sighed, shutting his book and getting out of his seat. "_Y/N_ and Jun Kai. I want you both to stay after class later. It seems we need to have a small talk about paper balls and those stupid nonsense."
I looked up at the teacher, opening my mouth to object that I didn't need to stay after class but quickly shut it when he gave me a stern look. I shifted my eyes to the side while huffing, walking back slowly to my seat.

"Told you." Jun Kai whispered while leaning near me, his breath tickling ear. I covered my ear, shivering from his breath and shot him a glare. He chuckled at my glare before slouching back into his seat, "Heh."

- Jun Kai's POV -

'Heh. Actually. _Y/N_ pretty cute when she's angry. But she isn't as cute as HER. It's also a shame that _Y/N_'s our new target. But whatever.' I thought quietly, slouching in my seat and closing my eyes. "Hm..." I sat up and slowly opened my eyes. 'I wonder...'


My thoughts were cut off once the bell rang. I yawned, stretching a bit while getting out of my seat. I looked over at Wang Yuan and saluted him with two fingers. He gave me a smile before nodding and walked out the classroom. _Y/N_ got out of her seat and carried her backpack while holding papers in her hands. I sighed loudly before shoving her a bit, "Mind going faster?" I rolled my eyes while folding my arms. She turned to look at me and sighed in frustration, turning back to the front and walking over to the teachers desk. I sneered a bit, "Eheh.." I snickered before walking over to her side.

"Miss [Your Last Name] and Mr.Wang. I don't want anymore fusses between you two in class. Do you understand?" The teacher sipped his tea while eyeing the both of us. _Y/N_ nodded, looking down a bit as she brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear. "Y-Yes sir." She whispered. The teacher looked over at me and raised a brow, waiting for my answer. I sighed loudly, "Sure whatever."
"Good. See you both in class tomorrow. Have a good afternoon."

_Y/N_ shuffled to the door way while I followed her from behind. I could tell she was in a hurry, heh why wouldn't she be? Probably in a hurry to run away from us. 

- Your POV -

'Nope nope nope! Not gonna deal with those three's bull crap.' I thought while running over to the door. I was getting ready to just dash out of the class but tripped on some idiot's foot that was sticking out from the doorway outside.

"W-Wah!!" I squeaked while flailing my arms a bit, making my papers fly everywhere as I closed my eyes shut. I quickly braced my self for the fall but felt my hand get grabbed. I got pulled real close to someones chest, arms wrapped around me. "Clumsy girl." A voice whispered in my ear.

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