Chapter 15: Troublemaker

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I kept my eyes shut just simply waiting for 'it'.

C L I C K !


I opened my eyes slowly and saw Jun Kai holding his phone.

Did he just snap a picture of me?

He chuckled before winking at me, "Haha!~ The doll here looked super cute with her eyes shut so I couldn't help but take a pic!" He giggled.

My mouth dropped, my face reddened from both embarrassment and being flustered from an unexpected wall pinning.

What was he gonna do with that pic? Post it on his weibo and humiliate me? I pouted, just thinking about what he was gonna do to with the pic.

I heard others snickered while another girl whined, "Jun Kai! You didn't even do the dare yet! Hurry up and kiss her already!" Others nodded while watching us.

Jun Kai puffed out his cheeks, "Urg fine fine jeez." He looked back at me but with a soft smirk, "Are you ready my doll? Is this your first kiss hm?" He leaned close again, raising a brow as he licked the top of his lips a bit.


Soon enough a loud voice boomed through the class.


That's when everything fell. Jun Kai pulled back and let go of my wrist while others quickly scurried to their seat. The teacher stood near the door way, arms crossed and a stern look. Jun Kai huffed a bit then grabbed my hand and led me to my seat quickly before the teacher could say a word.

"Let go of my hand you bastard let go jeez!" I huffed, whispering to him while I gripped his wrist.

Nothing. Not a word from the stupid, rich prince.

"Hey. Jun Kai." I furrowed my brows before he let go and sat in his seat. He just smiled softly at me before taking out his phone.

I bit my lip while eyeing him before turning to face the front. I touched my cheeks still burning from before. I pouted slightly, looking to the side. "Hm..."

I kind of feel disappointed.

I blinked. Why though? It's not like I want him to kiss me or anything. Ha! Why would I want a jerk like him to kiss me?

I sat in my seat, mixed feelings filling up my mind. I sighed quietly before doodling in my notebook.

- Jun Kai's POV -

I looked at my phone, smiling to myself and chuckling at the picture. I couldn't help myself. _Y/N_ was just so cute! Though I really did wanna kiss her. I was just pretending that I didn't want to but hey.

I sighed to myself while thinking about what just happened.

Her soft lips.

Her rosy red cheeks.

Her eyes that sparkle when ever she has that look of surprise.

Gosh I sound like a love sick puppy.

Maybe I am love sick. Or maybe it's just me being an idiot.

Both I guess.

I closed my eyes while thinking about _Y/N_, kind of forgetting I had my phone out.

"Jun Kai!!" My eyes shot open and I looked up, seeing the teacher in front of me. He took my phone and sighed, shaking his head while giving me a look. "Last time was already your last chance. You can get your phone after club activities today."

"Wha- Club activities!? But that ends around 4 or-"

"Not a word young man. I know your in the basketball club and there's already a meeting today so you can come by the classroom after that and get your phone back."


"No buts."

I narrowed my eyes while looking to the side.

"Good. Now please pay attention to the lesson."

I pouted, slouching in my seat while crossing my arms. "..Hmph..."

- Your POV -

I giggled slightly while hearing Jun Kai huff. 'Ahaha serves him right.' I thought.

Class ended and I had to stay after school for student council things and also cleaning up the classroom. Typical things.

Once the important things were done I went into a classroom to clean up a bit, like clean the board or pick up papers or whatever.

I sighed quietly, "Well being in student council does mean you have to help out the school and such right?" I mumbled to myself.

I looked around, seeing it was my classroom. "Huh." I raised a brow a bit, looking over at the teacher's desk.

Jun Kai's phone was still on the desk, lying there like it was always meant to be there.

I walked and leaned over to get a closer look at the phone. Nice phone I guess. I pressed the home screen button and saw a selfie with him, Wang Yuan and Qian Xi. I giggled, "I gotta admit.... They're pretty cute.." I rolled my eyes and walked to the board, leaning on it a bit.

I took out my phone and decided that I'd talk to 小老虎. I mean I haven't talked to him at all yesterday and today.

[ Me ]
Message: Hey :3
- 2:35pm


I jumped a bit, looking over to the side from where the noise came from.

I looked over at the teacher's desk and saw Jun Kai's phone screen turn on.

My eyes widened in surprise.


{ Ohoho~ Hue hue hue I totally did not just end the chapter like that aha! XD Whelp! Stay tuned for the next chapter! ;3 }

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