Chapter 19: Your Back

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- Jun Kai's POV -

I'm sick of it. I'm tired of seeing _Y/N_ get hurt. I'm a jerk for not standing up for her. But not this time. Oh no. I'm not gonna let her get hurt anymore. I've decided. I don't care if my reputation of 'The Prince' falls. I don't care if someone beats me to death. I wasn't gonna let others hurt _Y/N_. I'm gonna protect her.

"J-Jun Kai?" I heard her squeak a bit, her eyes shocked as I walked through the crowd.

"Did the prince just defend her?"
"What's going on?"

I heard murmurs as the hall buzzed with rumors. I ignored them and walked to her. I wrapped my arms around _Y/N_ and nuzzled her close. "I'm sorry... I should have listened to you. Who cares about so stupid reputation? Seeing you get hurt is bad enough..." I mumbled as I closed my eyes.

I felt her tense up a bit but relaxed in my arms, "Jun Kai... It's alright..." She whispered while hugging me back.

I got shoved a bit from behind, making me almost tumble on _Y/N_. "Hey. Prince. What's with you? Why are you defending this trash?" The same guy hissed coldly as he glared down at me. I let go of _Y/N_ and shifted her so she could hide behind me. I looked at the guy with anger flaring in my eyes, "Trash? Who's trash huh? Tell me. _Y/N_ isn't trash. She's a human being. And she doesn't deserve this treatment."

The boy snorted, "Hah? Why don't you tell yourself that hm? Who's the one who abused her first? I don't think yo-"

"Listen." I grabbed his collar and pulled him down close to me, "You better shut the hell up. Alright? I know I bulled her. But I regret it. I regret hurting her after I knew who she really was."

"Who is she then?" He narrowed his eyes.

I looked back at _Y/N_ then looked back at him, "My friend. My bestfriend and my lover." I spoke harshly, pushing him back before walking over to _Y/N_ and taking her hand. She looked up at me before giving me a small smile.

"Bwahahaha!! Your bestfriend and your lover!?" The boy pretended to wipe tear while having this smug grin. "Why'd you become so cheesy all the sudden? The pri-"

I glared at him, "You wouldn't understand. I've known _Y/N_ for three years. But we've always been separated by a screen between us. I've known her for three years but it was all on the internet. We've been talking on the internet for three years but we never got to meet each other in person. Until recently." I looked down at _Y/N_ and gave her a soft smile, squeezing her hand gently.

I heard 'awws' and scoffs mixed together.

"Hmph. That's stupid."
"But romantic!"
"Aww! This is so cute!"

I chuckled, "Hah well." I sighed and frowned slightly, "I hated how I hurt _Y/N_. I was stupid and blind that I didn't even realize my bestfriend was in front of me the whole time. But now I know." I then cleared my throat, "I want you all to leave my _Y/N_ alone and I want you all to stop mistreating her. Anyone who lays a finger on her would know the consequences." I eyed everyone before bringing _Y/N_ close to me.

Everyone blinked but nodded before going to their classes. They boy huffed before leaving, purposely bumping into me when he went. 'Huh. Everything went surprisingly well..' I thought. I looked down at _Y/N_ and gave her a smile, "Do you forgive me now?" I grinned softly then kissed the top of her head.

- Your POV -

I blinked. I couldn't believe that Jun Kai just did that. I mean, he just came out of now where and defended it me! I huffed a bit, looking away from him. "M-Maybe..."

He pouted, "Look..." He cupped my cheeks and turned my head so I would face him, "I'm not gonna go back to being the prince. From now on I'll always be your 小老虎." He whispered while pressing his forehead against mine. I blushed slightly, shifting my eyes to the left. "Your finally back..."

He blinked a bit, "Huh?"

I looked at him and wrapped my arms around Jun Kai's neck, giving him a small sweet kiss on the lips. He tensed up a bit but kissed back.

He's back. My bestfriend. My lover. He's back.

I pulled back and we locked eyes, "Heh. Took you long enough to finally show the real you. Well kind of." I mumbled but smiled happily. He smiled back taking my hand and entwining his fingers with mine. "Yeah..."

The bell rang but we stayed behind, walking slowly to the nurses office so I could tend some wounds I had this morning. We were awkward for a while but soon enough we started to warm up again and chatted away.

"Didn't you say you were gonna beat the guy who bullied me? Well does that mean your gonna beat yourself up?" I giggled.

"Haha very funny you nerd." Jun Kai rolled his eyes but ruffled my hair. He then stopped walking, "_Y/N_?"


"Heh. I know that we act like a couple and your my bestfriend but I never really got to ask you out you know." He puffed out his cheeks.

"Well I mean you know the answer already." I shrugged.

"Yeah but still!" He whined but then bent down on one knee, taking my hand. "Soooo if the answers a yes then _Y/N_? Would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He laughed.

I blushed and avoided his eyes, "S-S-Stand up you idiot! Don't make it look like your gonna propose!" I squeaked.

He kept kneeling, raising a brow as if he was waiting. I rolled my eyes, "Yes you nerd now get up." I sighed but didn't notice I had on a soft smile.

He got up quick and took both my hands, pulling me in to peck my lips. "You are now officially my girlfriend. Mine and only mine~"

"Heh whatever you dork." I chuckled, wrapping in arm on his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist and brought me close. "Love ya."

I giggled, "Haha love ya too."

{ Whoop whoop!! C: Yay!! They made up!! Haha XDD Alrighty! Stay tuned for the next chapter!!! ^^ }

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