Chapter 8: Love You

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- Your POV -

I ran home. Ended up laying on my bed, staring blankly up at the ceiling. Thinking whether if I should text 小老虎.

'Of course I should. I mean even though he cancelled on me he still my bestfriend. It's not like he left me forever or anything...' I thought while sitting up, looking over at my side and staring at my phone. The screen brightened as it buzzed against the bed sheet.

New Message [ 1 ]

I blinked before grabbing the phone, unlocking it.

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Hey are you on? 030;;
- 5:33pm

I shifted my eyes to the side, biting my lip. Hesitating whether if I should text him back. I let out a sigh.

[ Me ]
Message: Yeah I'm on :P
- 5:57pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Good ;3 And I'm sorry about cancelling our plans today. Being busy sucks.
- 5:58pm

[ Me ]
Message: Yeah I know. But I got a bit over confident that you'd come so I might have uh
- 5:59pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Hold on I'm gonna call you instead. I'm kind of lazy to type lolol ;P
- 6:01pm

[ Me ]
Message: Fine loser XD
- 6:02pm

Before I could close the messenger app I felt my phone vibrate. "Jeez what a dork." I giggled before answering the phone.

"Helloooo?~" I cooed before laughing.
"Hello my love~" He purred with a chuckle. "So you got over confident huh?"
"Yeah... And I also might have-"
"Don't tell me you actually stayed there and waited without checking your phone." He sighed before giggling. "Your a nerd."
"I-I didn't check my phone cause I forgot your always busy and I thought you'd actually come!"
"Yeah haha sorry. I promise I won't ever cancel our plans again."
"Sooo when you found out I wasn't going did you cry?"

I coughed a bit. Oh gosh it's like I know he's smirking through the phone what the heck.

"N-N-No! I just felt sad that you couldn't make it." I squeaked, voice cracking when I spoke out. He laughed, "Haha alright alright. I just thought you love me so much that you'd cry over me if I cancelled our plans. Something like 'Wah!! 小老虎! I miss you and I really wanna see you but you cancelled out plans! Oh how will I ever get to see that handsome face of yours?' heheh." He teased. I blushed a bit when he teased me, plopping on the bed while facing the ceiling. 'I did cry but not for that reason... More of that I was afraid that I'd never see you in person.' I sighed, thinking about what I wanted to say to him. "Nope haha. I know your handsome but I didn't cry." I lied.
"Uh huh." He laughed again.
"Whatever you nerd. I have homework so I'll talk to you later alright?" I smiled.
"Alright. I guess..."
"Well it's just I wanted to talk to you more. I can sit hear and listen to your sweet voice all day."
I felt my face flush bright red. "小老虎! D-Don't be s-so cheesy!!" I squeaked, nearly screaming into the phone.
"Bwahaha!! Your so cute gah!~ Your probably blushing aren't you hm? Eheheheh cutie!~"
I sighed before giggling, "Yes I'm blushing and I'm soon gonna melt from the hotness so I'm gonna hang up now~"
"No no no no! Wait [Your Username For Weibo]!! Don't hang up my love!"
"Heheh 小老虎 I have homework." I chuckled from his adorableness. The way his voice chirped through the phone. I sighed dreamily, I love his voice. It's so calming.
"Ah. Alright then. Talk to you later?"
"Talk to you later."

I hanged up and set my phone aside before getting out of bed and stretching. I didn't notice I had on a huge grin on my face while I rummaged my backpack to look for my homework.

- 10:28pm -

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: [Your Username For Weibo]? Are you awake?
- 10:28pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Probably not huh XD
- 10:29pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Well anyways, goodnight. I love you :3
- 10:31pm

{ Short chapter haha ^^;; Lot's of homework and lot's of stuff to do today owo but hopefully the next chapter won't be so short XD }

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