Chapter 4: Hate You

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Wang Yuan looked down at me before leaning down a bit and tilted his head with those bright cheerful eyes. "Hm?" He blinked before lifting up my chin, "Xiao Kai you gotta admit though the new girl's pretty cute isn't she?" He winked at me while I shot him a glare.
"Yeah well it's a pity she's the new target. Heck I would have probably fell for her." Jun Kai looked me up at down and chuckled slightly, leaning down with Wang Yuan and examining my face. "To bad I didn't. I don't fall for people easily. Especially targets. Plus." He stood up straight and dusted himself a bit. "I already have someone on my mind." The whole crowd started buzzing with rumors, whispers and murmurs as Jun Kai and the other two stood there with their sneers.

"Xiao Kai has a girl on his mind?"
"No way! Really? You think it can be me?"
"Hah! As if."
"I wonder who this someone is."
"Can she really be that pretty to be in Xiao Kai's mind?"

I rolled my eyes, "Urg. If anything I feel bad for this someone." I mumbled quietly. Well not quietly enough. Jun Kai dropped his smirk and looked down at me, "What?" He looked at me with narrowed eyes. He was about to lean down at me again but Qian Xi held him back, "Ay. Jun Kai. The teachers are heading this way. We better go before we get caught." He whispered to him while holding him back. Jun Kai struggled out of Qian Xi's grip and fixed his school uniform, "Tch. Fine. Let's go." And they were off. But Jun Kai gave me one last glare before heading off with the two.

"Everyone clear out. Go back to your classrooms. Class is about to start." The teachers called out while clearing out the students. I clicked my tongue while getting off the cold ground. "Tsk. Jerks." I rubbed my arm and legs, rubbing the sore spots. When everyone walked back to the classrooms no one dared to look at me as if they looked at me something worst then my scenario would come after them. The bell rang and I sighed to myself walking back to my classroom slowly since there's no point in running. I took out my phone and texted 小老虎, hoping he'd reply since I knew he'd be in school at this time.

[ Me ]
Message: 小老虎? Are you on?
- 7:21am

I gripped my phone tightly, waiting for his reply as I walked down the empty halls. It didn't take long for a small vibrate.

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Yes? I'm on XD Though class just started for me but it's fine haha C: I'm a rebel after all ;3
- 7:24am

[ Me ]
Message: Heheh sneaky sneaky 小老虎! ;P Sighs those three boys are such jerks. I wish they'd just go away =3=
- 7:25am

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Aiya. Like said just ignore them. And if things get out of hand then maybe you should stick up for yourself? =w=
- 7:27am

[ Me ]
Message: But like I don't wanna cause any trouble O^O These idiots are probably the richest kids in this school I swear >:'C
- 7:28am

I kept walking down the hall and eventually I was getting closer to my classroom. I decided to slow down my walking pace since I didn't really wanna go back to the classroom just yet. Also I wanted to talk to 小老虎 a bit more...

"Jun Kai! Please put up your phone." The teacher scowled. I huffed while a small smirk spread on my face, 'Heh serves him right...' I thought while holding my phone close.


I looked down at my phone and frowned slightly, a bit disappointed on 小老虎's reply.

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Ah. I'll have to talk to you later. Got caught by the teacher -3-
- 7:37am

I cocked my head to the side and reread the message, 'That's odd... Jun Kai also got caught by the teacher..' I puffed out my cheeks. 'Meh. Just a coincidence I guess.' I shrugged. It's just a coincidence right?

I walked into the classroom, having to listen to the teacher's scowl on how late I was. "Yes sir I know. It won't happen again." I bowed before walking over to my seat. I tried my best to ignore the murmurs through the class. The teacher hit the chalkboard with a ruler and sighed loudly, "Enough already. Everyone please just pay attention."

{ *wiggles eye brows*  IS IT A COINCIDENCE HMMMM?! XD }

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