Chapter 18: I Don't Want Your Help

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{ Thank you for bearing with me for two days!! My hands getting better and it's a bit easier to type now haha XDD But anyways! Enjoy chapter 18!! :3 }

It's been a few days since that 'incident', maybe two or three days maybe? But nothings changed except the fact that Jun Kai wouldn't bully me anymore. He wouldn't talk to me or even make eye contact with me during the day. But usually after school he'd try and talk to me but I'd usually just do the exact same thing he does during school. Ignore.

He won't talk to me cause he's hiding his cover during the day.

I won't talk to him cause he wouldn't show his cover until after school.

I heard people murmur about us.

"Hey haven't you noticed the prince doesn't speak to his target anymore?"
"Yeah. He wouldn't even bully her or criticize her."
"Hah. Maybe she's so worthless even the prince knows she's not worth his time."
"Heh you might be right."
"Quick! Shut up you idiots! She's walking this way!"

I clenched my fist while walking through the halls, trying to avoid the stares. Sure Jun Kai stopped bullying me but he really dug a hole in my reputation.

From the cute new girl to a worthless target.

People thought it'd be fun to take Jun Kai's place.

At least it wasn't as bad as before. Just pushes, shoves, trips.

Bruises all over my body.

Jun Kai would offer to help me tend my wounds after school but I'd just reject his offer. Even though the wounds hurt like hell. I mean it was sweet of him but...

I sighed quietly before gasping lightly when I felt a small nudge on my shoulder. It was Jun Kai. He was walking passed me but turned to look back, giving me a small smile quickly before walking away.


A sweet jerk.

I don't know what to do. I always thought of Jun Kai as a stupid idiot. But now that I know he's the guy I've been talking to for three years it's just weird.

Weird cause he knows everything about me. Everything. And I know everything about him. That's how close we are.

But now we're just awkward since we know who the other person was.

It's confusing too! It's messing with my head!

Usually I'd go to 小老虎 if I'm ever in a pickle but Jun Kai's him...

I kept walking down the hall, minding my own business.

"Hey trash!"

I turn to look behind me but got shoved on the side, making me hit the lockers.

'W-What the?'

Some girl and two other guys walked over to me, looking as pleased as ever. Like they've just won a prize for shoving me into the lockers.

"Your not the prince's target anymore huh? Oh no. You're more of a dumb punching bag for everyone." The boy spatted out.

"Worthless!~" The girl sang.

"Stupid as ever." A boy nodded while holding his books.

'What did I ever do to these guys? Whatever. I should be use to this by now anyways...'

A few people started mumbling, the hallway buzzed with murmurs. A crowd started forming around us, watching the 'punch bag' get wrecked up.




I looked to the side, letting some of those people throw those words at me.


A guy then stepped in and held up a trash bin, dumping what was inside of it. People laughed while trash started raining above me.

"H-Hey!!" I hissed while glaring up at him. 'Ok that's a bit to far there buddy.'

I stood back up and looked up at him, this guy was what? 6'2"?

"You can criticize me. Shove me. But you didn't need to dumb a stupid trash bin over my head." I spoke angrily while he just had on this stupid smug smirk. I heard others went 'Ooh'.

The boy tossed aside the trash can and grabbed my wrist, twisting it a bit while he brought me close but not that close.

"So? What are you gonna do huh? Cry?"

"Let go of my wrist you asshole."

"What?" He glared down at me. "I don't need some trash to tell me what to do."

"She said let go. Now let go."

A voice spoke out.

Everyone froze and turned towards the voice. I heard gasps and whispers. The boy growled lowly before letting me go, just like some obedient dog. I raised a brow while trying to peek over the crowd to see who it was.

My eyes widened and my mouth dropped a bit.

"J-Jun Kai?"

{ JUN KAI'S FIGHTING BACK!!! OWO He's willing to fight back for you (the main character)!! You'll see why this is such a big deal later in the next chapter so stay tuuuuuuuuuned!~ ;3 }

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