Chapter 12: A Book With Two Sides

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- Jun Kai's POV -

_Y/N_ was her. She was the girl I've been talking to for three years on the internet. I slammed my hand on my desk while I sat there speechless. I was home alone, regretting everything what I've done for the passed few days.

I could have made her smile.

I could have made her laugh.

I could have made her happy.

But no.


I made her cry.

I made her hate me.

I hurt her. I, Wang Jun Kai or 小老虎 to her, hurt her by abusing and humiliating her. I hurt the one person I loved. The one person that understood me. The real me.

And now I'm sitting here in my desk feeling pathetic as ever.

When I meant I wanted to meet her in person I didn't mean it like that. Finding out that she was her and realizing I abused her.

I hate myself for this. And the worst part was she doesn't know I'm him. She doesn't know I'm 小老虎. I might as well keep it that way. Let her continue on being friendly to '小老虎' while she hates 'Wang Jun Kai'.

I looked over at my phone and saw it had one unread message.

[ Y/N's Username ]
Message: 小老虎 I think I made the bullying worse...
- 2:55pm

I bit my lip as I read the text. I wanted to tell her. Should I?

I took a deep breathe and called _Y/N_.


I heard her voice. So pure like a small bells. It hurts even more when I know this is the girl that I hurt for just a few days but loved her for three years.

"Ah. It's 小老虎. [Your Username For Weibo]! I-I got your text um..."
"小老虎!" She squeaked. "Yeah I... Yeah.. The guy that bulled me decided to go even further then usually on the bullying."
"Right..." I mumbled.
"Nothing. I have something to tell you."
"I... I uh.. I'm ju.. Just really wanting to punch that guys face ahaha..." I face palmed. That made no sense at all great.
"Someday haha! And are you feeling alright? You sound really nervous and your acting a bit weird..."
"N-No! It's nothing I just uh... Came back from the gym and I'm super exhausted. That's why I called you instead of just texting you." I rubbed the back of my neck while sighing a bit, extending the phone a bit so she wouldn't hear me sigh.
"Oh alright." She spoke. "Well I have a bit of homework and a project to work on so I'll talk to you later alright?"
"I- Alright.." I choked on my words.

[ Call Ended ]

I wanted to talk to her more. I didn't even get to tell her who I really was. Well more like I was holding back. I don't wanna tell her. Not yet. But maybe I could be nicer to her? Maybe I don't know but maybe become friends with her in real life? So when she finds out who '小老虎' is she wouldn't panic or get angry.


Of course she'd get angry. She hates me. But I'm not gonna hurt her anymore. I promise that.

I'm Wang Jun Kai. I'm also 小老虎.

I have two sides. A side for showing. And a side for hiding. I'm like a book.

The cover of the book is the side I show, the popular, rich spoiled jerk. Wang Jun Kai.

The back of the book is the side I hide, carrying, sweet, lovable. 小老虎.

_Y/N_ know's both sides.

She just doesn't know it yet.

{ Lot's of symbolism in this chapter lolol XD When your a high school student you just gotta add some symbolism X'3 This chapters pretty short cause I have like two projects to do but bare with me here owo Hopefully the next chapter won't be short XD But like always stay tuned for the next chapter!~ }

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