Chapter 20: Imperfect Child ⟪ FINAL CHAPTER ⟫

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Weeks pasted and everything went back to normal. Jun Kai and I are dating and were known as the power couple in the school. Jun Kai's more caring and sweet in the inside and outside now while I didn't get bullied as much as before. Wang Yuan and Qian Xi are sweet dorks too and apologized for bully me as well. Everything was going smoothly.

"No no! Jun Kai don't say it's dedicated to me oh my gosh your gonna embarrass me!!" I hid my face with my hands.

All four of us, Wang Yuan, Jun Kai, Qian Xi and me, were at lunch.

"But I have too!! This songs for youuuuu!!" He whined before standing up quick and cupping his hands.

"Ahem!! Attention everyone!" Jun Kai shouted. Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to face Jun Kai. "I have a song to sing for everyone but this song is mostly dedicated to my girlfriend, _Y/N_."

Everyone turned to me and applauded while I felt my face grow hot. I smacked Jun Kai's arm lightly while I pouted. He puffed out his cheeks and rubbed his arm, "Oww..." He whined.

Qian Xi and Wang Yuan giggled before handing Jun Kai a microphone while they stood up as well. I blinked, "W-Wait! All three of you are gonna sing?!" I squeaked.

"Mhm!!" Wang Yuan chuckled, "Jun Kai wanted the two of us to sing as well haha!" I rolled my eyes but smiled, "Heh nerds."

The three of them laughed before standing in front of the cafeteria. Everyone went quiet and waited for them so start.

Qian Xi began the song first.

[ English Translations In Brackets ]

"当 我 的 笑 灿 烂 像 阳 光
dāng wǒ de xiào càn làn xiàng yáng guāng
[ When my smile is as bright as the sun ]

当 我 的 梦 做 的 够 漂 亮
dāng wǒ de mèng zuò de gòu piào liang
[ When my dream has been splendidly fulfilled ]

这 世 界 才 为 我 鼓 掌
zhè shì jiè cái wéi wǒ gú zhǎng
[ Only then will the world applaud for me ]

只 有 你 担 心 我 受 伤"
zhí yǒu nǐ dān xīn wǒ shòu shāng
[ But only you worry if I'll be hurt ]

Wang Yuan then walked a bit closer and sang.

"全 世 界 在 等 我 飞 更 高
quán shì jiè zài děng wǒ fēi gèng gāo
[ The entire world is waiting for me to soar high ]

你 却 心 疼 我 小 小 翅 膀
nǐ què xīn téng wǒ xiǎo xiǎo chì bǎng
[ Yet you worry for my small, small wings ]

为 我 撑 起 沿 途 休 息 的 地 方
wéi wǒ chēng qǐ yán tú xiū xi de dì fang
[ And hold up a perch for me to rest ]

Jun Kai looked over at me and smiled, holding out a hand for me to take. I blushed and took his hand before he pulled me out of my seat and twirled me slowly.

"当 我 必 须 像 个 完 美 的 小 孩
dāng wǒ bì xū xiàng gè wán měi de xiǎo hái
[ When I must be like a perfect child ]

满 足 所 有 人 的 期 待
mǎn zú suó yǒu rén de qī dài
[ To fulfill everyone's expectations ]

你 却 好 像 格 外 欣 赏
nǐ què hǎo xiàng gé wài xīn shǎng
[ You seem to instead even further treasure ]

我 犯 错 犯 傻 的 模 样
wǒ fàn cuò fàn shǎ de mú yàng
[ My mistakes, my foolish self ]

They then sang all together.

"我 不 完 美 的 梦
wǒ bù wán měi de mèng
[ My imperfect dream ]

你 陪 着 我 想
nǐ péi zhe wǒ xiǎng
[ You dream it with me ]

不 完 美 的 勇 气
bù wán měi de yǒng qì
[ My imperfect courage ]

你 说 更 勇 敢
nǐ shuō gèng yóng gǎn
[ You say it makes it braver ]

不 完 美 的 泪
bù wán měi de lèi
[ My imperfect tears ]

你 笑 着 擦 干
nǐ xiào zhe cā gān
[ You laugh and wipe them away ]

不 完 美 的 歌
bù wán měi de gē
[ My imperfect songs ]

你 都 会 唱
nǐ dū huì chàng
[ You can sing them all ]

我 不 完 美 心 事
wǒ bù wán měi xīn shì
[ My imperfect worries ]

你 全 放 在 心 上
nǐ quán fàng zài xīn shàng
[ You worry about them as well ]

这 不 完 美 的 我
zhè bù wán měi de wǒ
[ This imperfect me ]

你 总 当 作 宝 贝"
nǐ zǒng dàng zuò bǎo bèi
[ You always treat me as your treasure ]

{ I know Qian Xi sings the "你 给 我 的 爱 也 许 不 完 美, 但 却 最 美" part in the beginning but like just pretend Jun Kai sings it lolol XDD }

Jun Kai held me close and smiled down at me before singing the song again.

"你 给 我 的 爱 也 许 不 完 美
nǐ gěi wǒ de ài yé xǔ bù wán měi
[ Even if the love you give me isn't perfect ]

但 却 最 美"
dàn què zuì měi
[ It's the most beautiful thing ]

Applause's filled the cafeteria as I felt tears well up. Jun Kai blinked, "_Y/N_? Are you crying?" He sneered a bit. I shook my head quick, looking away, "N-No I'm not! I-I just got something in my eyes!" My voice cracked as my tears fell. I buried my face into his chest, hugging him tightly, "Y-Your a nerd!" I mumbled while bailing my eyes out. It was such a beautiful song, it kind of described him too and I just couldn't handle the feelings. Jun Kai stroked my hair as he hugged me back, "Haha am not!"

He then pulled back and looked down at me with a soft smile, "I love you _Y/N_" He whispered. I smiled back at him, "I love you too.." I chuckled before giving him a kiss. Pulling back I puffed out my cheeks, "Your still a nerd though."
"Am not!" He laughed.
"Heh. But your my nerd."
"Then yes I am."
"Love ya..."
"Love ya too."

{ And that's it! XD That's the end of "Always Online" QwQ Heheh I hoped you enjoyed it C: But wait! That's not all! :3 I have a new book called "Clockwise"! Be sure to check it out! C: }

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