Chapter 16: Unwanted Truth

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I tilted my head a bit, "Hm..."

I looked down at my phone again and texted 小老虎.

[ Me ]
Message: Hey 小老虎? You busy?
- 2:37pm



I looked back at the desk and blinked. "What the..."

I felt myself panic a bit.

'No no it can't be. I-It's just a coincidence.'

I bit my lip and texted 小老虎 once more.


I gripped my phone and stomped over to the desk, looking down at the phone and gritting my teeth.

I knew what was going on now.

I just didn't want to believe it.

I didn't want too.

I started spamming 小老虎 with messages.




I slammed my phone on the desk and picked up Jun Kai's phone.

Unread Messages [ 5 ]

I stared at the phone before looking over at my own phone.

Five messages. I sent five messages to 小老虎.

I pressed on the unread messages on Jun Kai's phone screen and I stared at it, wide eyed.

He's him.

Jun Kai's him.

Jun Kai's 小老虎.

I bit my lip hard, wiping the tears that were streaming down from my cheeks.


How can he, my bestfriend and my love, be the jerk that abused me the whole time?

How? How?! HOW?!

I couldn't help but cry pathetically. Why am I crying? Probably cause I just found out the guy who abused me, humiliated me, was the guy I've known for three years.

I don't understand. How can someone so kind, so sweet, loving, caring be a spoiled, rude jerk.

Anger boiled up in me as I wiped my tears forcefully.

I heard the class door creak open.

I paused before turning around slowly still holding onto Jun Kai's phone tightly.

Jun Kai was standing there with a surprised look. He looked to the side and rubbed the back of his neck. "O-Oh hey _Y/N_ I was just gonna..." His eyes then shifted to me and our eyes met for a few seconds before his eyes fell on his phone. "..Get my phone..."

"_Y-Y/N_ I can explain I-"

I gritted my teeth, "YOU!! Just- Just how?! How can you be 'him'?! You're a jerk! A bastard! And he's sweet! Loving! Caring!" I yelled while holding his phone tightly. Tears welled up again.

"_Y/N_ just let me explain." He spoke a bit calmly while walking closer.

"No! Get away!!" I hissed coldly while wiping my tears, backing up a bit. "Your- Your- I can't believe you! I can't! HOW?!"

"_Y/N_ please!" He gave me a sad look.

"The guy I knew for what!? 3 years now was always this stupid, rich jerk! The jerk who bullied me ever since I came to this goddamn school!"


"I loved you!! Trusted you!!!"

"Please just calm down!"

"NO!" I threw the papers that were on the teachers desk at him. Pencils. Pens. Paperclips. Anything to throw at him. He dodged the things and I quickly tried passing him.

"_Y/N_! Just wait!"

I tried running but he grabbed my wrist.

"Let go you bastard." I mumbled.

"No. Not until I explain."

"There's nothing left to explain!!" I shouted, glaring up at him while my tears streamed down my face. I got ready to loosen his grip but he pinned me to the wall, looking deeply into my eyes.

"Please. Just listen to me." He whispered while gazing into my eyes.

"I don't want to hear it." I muttered.

His eyes showed that he was hurt. We stared at each other. I glared while he stared.

His eyes showed sadness while mines showed anger. To completely different things.

He slowly leaned down and hugged me. "Just let me explain..." He petted the back of my head gently while holding me close.

'Get off.'

I wanted to say those words.

But I couldn't.

Instead I hugged him back, burying my face into his chest while I cried like a baby.

"_Y/N_. I'm... I'm sorry.." He whispered softly.

{ WHOOPIE DOOP DOOP OWO There you have it! They both know now. Finally right? XD Haha! Whelp! Stay tuned for the next chapter!! :3 }

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