Chapter 13: Sort Of Nice

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- Jun Kai's POV -

"What do you mean you don't want _Y/N_ as our target anymore?" Qian Xi asked as he raised a brow while he read his book and walked next to me at the same time.
"Yeah! What's this about hm?" Wang Yuan popped a lollipop in his mouth while narrowing his eyes.
"It's just..." I tried speaking but felt my words get stuck in my throat.
"Don't tell me you're actually pitying her." Qian Xi sighed, irritated.
"No! It's just I-"
"You what? Fell for her?" Wang Yuan smirked.
"Well actually she's..."
"She's what?" The both stopped in their tracks while giving me a look.
"She's... Her.."

"Hah!?" They both spoke in unison.

Qian Xi and Wang Yuan looked at each other before looking at me. Wang Yuan looked around us before bringing me close, "_Y/N_'s her?"
"Mhm." I nodded. "I found out when I took her phone yesterday." I sighed a bit, rubbing the back of my head.
"She's the internet girl you've been in love with for three years?" Qian Xi huffed, "Dude that's just weird. You've been hurting the girl you've been loving all this time." He whispered.
"I know I know!" I pouted, "That's why I'm gonna try and be a bit nicer to her. Maybe even try and win her heart?"
"Hah!! As if! You know she hates us right? She hates you the most." Wang Yuan laughed before slapping my back a bit. "You? Win her heart? Not likely."

I sighed quietly, looking down. I already have her heart to be honest. But not in the real world. On the internet. But he was right. It's not likely for me to win her heart in the real world. But I'll be kinder.

We kept walking, eventually getting to school. I saw _Y/N_ near her locker and smiled a bit. To be honest. I always found her attractive. But I knew my 'internet friend' was way prettier. Who new their the same person. Now that I know she's the same person as her I couldn't help but smile softly, eyes sparkling as I watched her tuck in a few strands of hair behind her ear. She really was pretty. I can't believe that I actually hurt her.

_Y/N_ held her books in her arms and right when she turned, our eyes met. Her eyes twinkled brightly. She looked at me shocked, maybe surprised to meet my eyes? We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds. I walked closer, with a small smile.

"H-Hey uh _Y/N_..." I rubbed the back of my head as I looked down as her. She blinked before giving me a glare, "Hey." She spoke coldly before walking off.

I stood there, dumbfounded while Wang Yuan and Qian Xi laughed their butts off. I frowned slightly. She really doesn't like me. But I understand her for that.

I just hope she forgives me.

- Your POV -

I walked down the halls, holding my books tightly. "He didn't even try..." I mumbled quietly. Was he planning something? Was he trying to try and be nice then attack later? I narrowed my eyes, thinking hard. "What the heck.." I sighed before walking into class and plopping into my seat, waiting.


"Hmm..." I looked around the classroom. Everything looks normal. People were either studying or talking or on their phones. But no sign of the princes. What's going on?

Class started and Jun Kai came in late with gum in his mouth. He had on his regular blank expression, walking to his seat. I closed my eyes tightly, just waiting for him to do whatever like stick that gum in my hair or flick my forehead.

I flinched when I felt him... Pet my head?

I opened my eyes and blinked, looking up a bit seeing Jun Kai look away while petting me gently. He removed his hands quickly and sat in his seat. I blushed lightly, 'W-What the?' I looked back a bit and saw him slouch in his seat with his ear buds in, closing his eyes.

'He looks so calm... Wait! First of all why did he pet me?!' I turned forward and looked down at my work, 'Is he seriously planning something?' I thought before sighing.

{ An iffy short chapter ;w; forgive me for writing a short chapter it's just wooooork and school urg T^T I cry XD but any ways stay tuned for the next chapter! C: }

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