Chapter 17: Explained

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He pulled back and we locked eyes. He bit his lip before leaning in a bit close.

I could tell he was hesitating.

I blinked, realizing why I was angry before pushing him off. He blinked before coming close again, "_Y/N_..."

I stayed quiet, looking off to the side while glaring at the floor. I knew he wouldn't let me go until I heard him out. But I felt betrayed. I felt hurt.

"I... I know I don't deserve your friendship anymore... I know your mad. I know."

"No you don't."

"I do. Just listen." He put a hand on my shoulder, looking down at me with a small smile. I smacked his hand away, "No. After what you did?" I wiped my tears, "I loved you... The internet you.. I thought that someday I'll be able to meet you in real life and maybe continue our relationship off the internet."

His smile fell.

- Jun Kai's POV -

I hurt her.

I really did hurt her.

I damaged her smile.

I dug into the wounds she had.

My heart fell when I saw her cry.

And now she finally knows.

"But no. I never thought I'd meet my bestfriend like this." She mumbled, pushing me aside so she can walk through.

"Wait." I grabbed her hand and pulled her close, locking her in by wrapping my arm on the back of her waist. "Just hear me out. I didn't know you were 'her'-"

"No duh you idiot."

"Until recently." I finished my sentence.


"I never knew I'd fall for anyone on the internet until you came along." I smiled a bit sheepishly. "I fell for you. Hard. You were sweet, adorable, caring... And most of all..." I took a deep breathe. "You knew the real me."

I could feel _Y/N_ relax a bit in my arms.

"I also thought that I'd meet you and maybe even be together forever."

Nothing. No word from _Y/N_.

I sighed, "I didn't mean to bully you. I didn't want to bully you. I don't know I just... I guess I've always took the look of the rich prince."


"I was bullied in the past { Note: This is just a fan FICTION. I have no idea whether Jun Kai got bullied in the past or not cause this is just a fanfic!! Ok continue owo } even though I was the rich kid. They'd bully me cause stupid things like my height or my looks aka braces or glasses { Note again: Jun Kai doesn't have glasses or braces in the past } or whatever the typical nerd. But they didn't just criticize me. They physical beat me." He sighed, "Ha. Thank puberty for slapping me across the face. I mean look at me. Don't I look like a real handsome prince?" I laughed.

She gave me a 'seriously' look and I coughed and continued on.

"But even though my looks changed I didn't want others to bully me again. And so that's how I got the reputation of 'The Prince' or 'The Uncrowned king'. I... I bullied others, having targets once in a while so I could keep the tough prince act. But I got a bit carried away..."

- Your POV -

'So he was bullied. But that doesn't mean that he should bully others... But..'

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