Chapter 7: Where Are You?

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"Why are you smiling?" Jun Kai looked down at me, "It irritates me when you smile." He slapped me across the face before yanking my hair and shoving me towards the wall. I felt my cheek burn but I couldn't help but had on a small smile, 'Beat me. I don't care. Today's the day I was gonna meet him and nothing's going to bring me down.'

- Jun Kai's POV -

'What's with her? She has on this stupid smile it's annoying. Plus it kind of reminds me of a yandere...' I gritted my teeth before gesturing to Qian Xi and Wang Yuan to follow me. "Let's go. I'm done for the day."
"Heh? Your not gonna do anything else?" Wang Yuan asked.
"Nope. She has on this dumb smile it's like she's testing me. I'll just have to break her tomorrow." I shrugged before sticking a lollipop in my mouth. "Plus I don't feel like beating people up today. I get to meet ' her '." I sighed dreamily while the two snickered. "What?"
"It's just you always talk about this mysterious girl and yet you never got to meet her?" Qian Xi muttered. I blushed, "I-I've known her for three years! I just never got the time to meet her with all my lessons and stuff... I don't even know if I can meet her today since my lesson yesterday was cut off and I gotta make up for it. I'm hoping I get to see her though."
"Hah? Your so head over heels for this girl that it's like your welling to do anything for her." Qian Xi sighed before walking away to his class.
"I would." I laughed.

- Your POV -

I got up slowly and rubbed my cheek, pouting a bit. "Ow..." I sighed before walking down the hallway. I slowly walked into class and sat in my seat, praying for the time to pass by faster.

During the middle of class I could hear Jun Kai clicking his tongue and mumbling to himself, "Dammit..." I heard him mutter. I raised a brow but shrugged. I felt my phone vibrate but ignored it. A big mistake. Once class was over I took my things and bolted out the room, running to the front door. I fixed my hair and dusted myself off before quickly going to Panda Boba Bar. It was time. It's time to finally meet 小老虎. I felt excitement boil in me as I smiled happily. I arrived at the Boba Bar early and looked around, not much people in the place just yet. I sighed happily. 'Alright he said to meet him at around 2:45. So it's 2:39...' I thought before ordering a milk tea. Once done with my order I sat in a nearby table, waiting impatiently as I fidgeted in my seat.

{ 2:48 }

{ 2:59 }

{ 3:12 }

I was sipping on my milk tea while laying my head on the palm of my hand. 'Where is he? If he was here he would have called me by now..' I thought sadly. I got out my phone and blinked.

Unread Message [ 3 ]

I gulped before pressing on the unread messages, making it open up to 小老虎 and I's chat. I felt my chest tighten and my hand grip tighter onto the phone, reading the messages quietly while people buzzed and chatted happily.

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Hey um... I have some bad news.
- 1:45pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: I can't meet up with you today. I have make up lessons and more guitar lessons.
- 1:46pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: I'm sorry...
- 1:50pm

I blinked, staring at the messages. My phone screen turned blurry as I felt my tears well up. I bit my lip. He wasn't coming. I should have read those messages earlier. I was to cocky. Thinking that he'd come that easily. Tears streamed down my cheeks slowly as I sniffled. Why am I crying over something so pathetic? He just canceled on me that's nothing to cry over. But the thing was. I don't know when I'll be able to meet him. I'm scared that I WON'T be able to meet him face to face. Is it even possible for me to see him in person when there's just no time?

I sat in my seat and forcefully wiped away those stupid tears. I chocked back some tears, trying not to cry so loud. I looked down while tears dropped onto the table before looking up and staring at the empty chair in front of me. I took a big shaky breath and sat there, thinking. What would have happened if 小老虎 was here with me now.

Some moments, probably after a few twenty minutes or so, passed and I still sat in the same seat. I finished my milk tea and decided on that I'd do my homework. My eyes were still red from crying though and I couldn't help but feel pain all over the place. Yet just my luck someone had to come and dig deeper down that wound.

"Ay? Hey Xiao Kai look who's here. It's _Y/N_!" A cheerful voice spoke in front of me as I slowly looked up. There they were. Awesome. Great. Thanks. Jun Kai looked down at me with the same expression he first saw me. Blank. Uncaring. He raised a brow and leaned down towards me, lifting up my chin and examining me. He looked deeply into my eyes and sneered. "Crying? Were you crying _Y/N_?" He asked with a small huff. "Heh why were you crying? Crying for no reason? Pathetic." He scoffed. I bit my lip and slapped his hand away, picking my things up and getting ready to just walk out the boba bar. He chuckled before pulling my hair, making my back arch back a bit as I cried in pain. "Hey!! Let go!" I squeaked, holding back the tears that were threatening to spill from my hair being yanked. I struggled and somehow managed to make him let go of my hair. I looked back at him, taking a glimpse of his face before dashing out the boba bar.

- Jun Kai's POV -

It was a long day for me. I didn't get to meet her since my stupid lessons had to be made up. I decided to go to the boba bar with Wang Yuan and Qian Xi to relax a bit after those lessons.

"Crying? Were you crying _Y/N_?"

"Hey!! Let go!"

I saw her look back at me. My heart sunk and my eyes widened. She had tears in her eyes. She was hurt. I kind of felt bad for her.

"Ay. Xiao Kai. What's with that face?" Qian Xi asked as he nudged me a bit. I blinked before gritting my teeth. "Nothing. It's nothing." I shook my head a bit before putting a hand over my forehead and sighing, "Let's just go get our milk tea and go."

{ Ohohohoh~ owo not what you were expecting was it? :'3 And yes yes I know that the main character (You) shouldn't be crying over something like a canceled meeting but meh *shrugs* QwQ }

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