Chapter 9: Cold Ice

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"Wei!! Let me out! Let me out!!" I shouted, banging against the door. I blew my bangs a bit while huffing, sweating and uniform dirty. 'Urg! This was just great. Jun Kai and the other two just had to shove me into a mud puddle. Jeez it's already been a few days since my first day of school here and they're still bullying.' I rubbed my wrist a bit, red marks were shown from the grip Jun Kai had when he was dragging me through the hall before throwing me into the freaking janitor's closet. Urg I still remember his words before he threw me into the closet.

"Now be a good girl and stay. Alright?"

I gritted my teeth. 'I still can't believe they actually locked me in the janitor's closet!! Bastards...' I thought while looking around. 'Broom. Cleaning supplies. Duster. No spare keys? Really? Well of course. Who's dumb enough to lock themselves in the janitor's closet to the point where they need spare keys?' I groaned. I tried banging and calling for help but no use. 'Where's the goddamn janitor?' I crossed my arms.

Soon enough the janitor opened the closet, freeing me from that humid room. It took about what? Half an hour for the janitor to finally notice me and open the dang door. I thanked him before walking out the closet, trying to fix my uniform and my hair. I grumbled to myself, seeing my uniform was still dirty and dried up from the mud. I tried rubbing the mud off with a wet paper towel but it got worst. "Great.." I sighed before tossing the towel in the trash can before walking out the restroom slowly. I might as well just skip class. But I rather not.

I gulped before knocking on the classroom door. The teacher opened the door and looked down at me with a stern look. "Late I see." He scoffed before turning around and going back to his desk. I rubbed my left arm while gazing down a bit, avoiding the stares. I heard snickers and giggles as I walked to my desk, making me flush bright red from embarrassment.

"Look at her uniform. It's covered in mud. What a pig."
"Bad hair day much?"
"She really is the princes target."

Frowning at the murmurs I took my seat in front of Jun Kai. I swore I saw a goddamn smirk across his face. What a jerk. I sighed quietly, getting out my things.

- Jun Kai's POV -

I gazed at _Y/N_ from behind while looking over at Wang Yuan.

"Do it." He mouth with a mischievous look in him eyes.

I nodded before taking out those reusable water bottles. It was filled with cold ice and freezing water. I opened the cap and stuck my hand in it, pulling out an ice cube. I sneered a bit before pulling on the back of _Y/N_'s uniform collar and slipping the cold ice in it. I heard her squeak softly, fidgeting around a bit. But she didn't scream or yelp. I blinked. 'What? Usually people yelp if ice where to slip down there back. Plus it was unexpected...' I thought before letting go of the collar.

- Your POV -

Really? Did he really just slip ice down my back? I sat still, letting the ice melt against my back and it wetting the back of my uniform. I puffed out my cheeks, gripping my pencil. Course he'd do that but what he did next was what I didn't expect.

"KYAA!!" I shot up from my seat while I was soaked from head to toe. Did Jun Kai just dump water over my head!? The teacher and the students around me stared wide eyed. The teacher got up from his seat and looked me up and down, "_Y/N_! Why are you-"

"Jun Kai dumped water over my head!!" I cut him off as I pointed to Jun Kai, "You bastard!! Even in class your-"

"Enough." The teacher rose his voice before shooting a glare at Jun Kai.

Did I just see what I think I just saw? The teacher had on a nervous look for a split second right after he glared at Jun Kai. 'What is he afraid? Don't tell me Jun Kai's so filthy rich that the teachers are scared of him.' I huffed. Th teacher cleared his throat before looking at me once more, "_Y/N_. It's just water. Go clean yourself up in the girl's room." The class burst out laughing while some snickered with sneers. "But sir Jun Kai-" I tried protesting but then the teacher looked at me sternly, shutting me up. I flushed bright red from embarrassment, gazing down. I held onto the bottom of my shirt's rim as I walked out the classroom quietly.

{ I feel like you all hate me for this chapter lolol XD }

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