Chapter 14: Truth or Dare

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- 2:48pm -

Jun Kai slung his back pack on one shoulder before passing me, walking out the classroom without talking to me. I sat in my seat, mouth hanging wide open. He just left. I shook my head slightly before grabbing my things and heading out the room. I looked around and saw no signs of the princes. I shrugged before taking out my phone, texting 小老虎.

[ Me ]
Message: Hey 小老虎 :3 Something weird's happening...
- 2:51pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Oh really? What? C:
- 2:57pm

[ Me ]
Message: The guy that kept bullying me? Heh well he's acting weird ~(0^0~)
- 2:58pm

[ 小老虎 ]
Message: Really? :O How? XD
- 2:59pm

[ Me ]
Message: Well he's acting.. Nicer... It's really weird.. =3=
- 2:31pm

- Jun Kai's POV -

I sighed while walking to the music studio with Wang Yuan and Qian Xi. I really wanted to tell her but I also don't want too. I just don't her to hate me. Well she does already but I don't want her to hate the internet me I guess? Whatever.

[ Me ]
Message: Maybe he thought through and decided he doesn't want to bully you anymore
- 2:33pm

[ _Y/N_'s Username ]
Message: Nah he's defiantly planning something. I feel it in my gut.
- 2:34pm

I blinked while raising a brow. Me? Plan something? Well yeah I'm planning on trying to befriend her.

[ Me ]
Message: Oh? What's he planning then? XD
- 2:36pm

[ _Y/N_'s Username ]
Message: I feel like he's gonna attack any moment. Like he's going to try and be nice to me and once I fall for his friendliness bam! He goes in for the kill =3=
- 2:39pm

I made a face, "Ok I did bully you but I'm a good guy now! I've always been! Just try to understand!!" I whined quietly while rubbing my cheek. I whimpered quietly before sighing.

Wang Yuan raised a brow while Qian Xi mimicked me, "Just try to understand _Y/N_!!~ Please I just really wanna win your heart!! I'm a good guy just understand!~" He spoke in a fake whiny voice. Wang Yuan snickered as Qian Xi nudged my shoulders with a small sly smirk. I rolled my eyes before huffing a bit, looking down at my phone once more.

[ Me ]
Message: But maybe he did change! I mean! Well you gotta give people second chances right? C:
- 2:44pm

I then pouted at her response, puffing out my cheeks. "Hey. What did she say?" Wang Yuan nodded his head a bit as he grinned. I kept pouting and showed him the texts, looking down and pouting.

[ _Y/N_'s Username ]
Message: Yeah but I wouldn't give a second chance to a guy like him. He abused me like why would I give him a second chance. He doesn't deserve it. >:P
- 2:46pm

Wang Yuan sneered at while reading, "I see your trying to make her change her mind hm?" Qian Xi wrapped his arms around Wang Yuan's shoulder while leaning in close to see the texts. "Doesn't look like it's working."

I took back the phone and groaned, "Urrrrgg! I wish I didn't screw up gosh!" I crossed my arms, grumbling. "I really did screw up..."

The two nodded their heads in agreement while watching me whine. "Mhm. You sure did screw up Xiao Kai."

I sighed. "Whatever."

[ Me ]
Message: Ah. Alright then XD
- 2:49pm

[ Me ]
Message: Sorry [ _Y/N_'s Username ]! ^^;; But I have lessons soon so I'll talk to you later all right?
- 2:50pm

[ _Y/N_'s Username ]
Message: Alright C: Talk to you later XD
- 2:52pm

- Next Day -

"I told you! This is gonna work!"
"It's really not."
"It is."

Qian Xi smacked both our heads while sighing, "You two are like kids betting on a candy bar jeez.." He rubbed his forehead as if we both gave him a headache. I rolled my eyes but smiled, "Like said! I'm planning on doing a truth or dare thing during the few minutes before class! I'll gather around a bunch of people and we'll all play truth and dare! Then once _Y/N_ comes I'll do the 'thing'!~" I grinned happily.

"The 'thing'..." Wang Yuan made those quotation marks with his hands, "Is really stupid." Wang Yuan sighed then crossing his arms.
"Ohoho!~ Just watch!"

- Your POV -

I was walking to the classroom, holding my stuff in hand while sighing to myself.

"Do it! Do it! Do it!" I heard people chanting from the classroom while another guy groaned, "But I don't want to!" He whined.
"It's a dare and you have to do it. It's the rules. If not then you'll have to go up to the roof naked and confess your love to your crush on the top of your lungs." A girl with a high pitched voice spoke out.
"Urg. Fine." The guy sighed.


What the? Did everything just stop?

I blinked before walking in.

B A M !

I was just walking in and the next minute I was slammed against the wall. My wrists pinned down above my head.

"W-What the!?" I squeaked before I met the eyes of the guy who pinned me.

Dark mischievous brown eyes stared down at me.

"J-J-Jun K-Kai what are you-"

Jun Kai smirked, taking his tie from his uniform and loosening it a bit. He lifted my chin and leaned in close.

"I'm just doing the dare~ My doll~" He whispered in my ear, locking his eyes with mine.

I felt my heart pound in my chest while my face flushed bright red. I struggled but I couldn't move or get out of his grip.

"L-Let go!"

He ignored me.

He leaned down closer, closing his eyes.

Closer and closer.

I closed my eyes shut, knowing what he was gonna do.

Our bodies touched.

Our lips just centimeters away.

He wouldn't.

But he would.

{ Ahaha! Lolol ya'll are probably angry with me for just ending the chapter like that aha! XD Whoops!~ Lol stay tuned for the next chapter! ;3 }

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