Chapter 11: Her

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"I did it!! Well it wasn't really sticking up for myself but I spoke up!" I talked into the phone happily while rolling around in bed.
"Really!? Awesome! I knew my little bestie could do it haha..." 小老虎 laughed awkwardly.
I blinked, sitting up in bed and tilted my head a bit. As if he could see me have on a puzzled look. "Ay. What's wrong? You sound awkward. Though your always awkward."
"It's nothing. Just feeling a bit weird. That's all." He spoke in a reassuring voice. Though I heard him mumble something after those words, not really hearing it clearly.
"Ok?" I laughed a bit nervously, 'Something's wrong and he won't tell me... I know there's something wrong..' I thought quietly.
"Anyways. I hope that jerk doesn't hurt you anymore! I will seriously fight him and you know it." He spoke.
I sighed before giggling, "Whatever you nerd."
"A cute nerd."
"A nerd nerd heheh."

We talked on the phone for quite sometime, not really noticing time was passing by quick.

"[Your Username For Weibo]?"
"I really wanna see you."

I stayed quiet.

"I want to snuggle close to you. Holding you tightly as I lay my chin on the top of your head. I want to see you."

I smiled softly before hugging a pillow tightly, lightly blushing as I listened to his soothing words.

"I want to see you too." I spoke softly into the phone.

We talked for hours, talking about how we wanted to see each other and how much we loved one another. All those mushy gushy stuff. But it was true. I love him. Weird yes I know. Loving someone on the internet. But I've known him for three years. He's always been there for me and he's the one that knows the true me. I kind of fell for him right before I knew it.

"I can't wait to see you..."

- Next Day -

The bullying didn't stop. Of course it wouldn't. It just angered him more. He was like a lion. I poked the lion and now it's agitated with me.

[ Me ]
Message: 小老虎 I think I made the bullying worse...
- 2:55pm

I waited for 小老虎 to reply but furrowed my brows. "He isn't replying... Shouldn't he be out of school by now?" I questioned a bit while frowning, thinking whether if I should call him or not. I knew he was busy, but he'd usually tell me if he was.

I held onto my phone tightly when I heard a loud voice call out from a distance.


Jun Kai stormed to me with Wang Yuan and Qian Xi following from behind. He pushed me to the lockers and grabbed my uniform collar. "Listen doll. I'll make things clearer for you. Your OUR target. You don't get to speak up. You don't get to stand up for yourself. You don't get to do anything except being a good little doll and deal with us." He growled lowly.

Jun Kai shifted his eyes down, looking at my phone. "Oh? Who were you texting? Hm?" He cooed before trying to snatch the phone away. My eyes widened and I held the phone back, trying to keep him away from it. He clicked his tongue before grabbing my wrist, twisting it a bit before kicking my stomach.

I'm use to this. Kicking is just a minor thing now. He would use to cut me by the arm. Hit me. Beat me. This stupid jerk would do anything to hurt me.

I yelped before holding my stomach and dropping to my knees. I huffed, taking in some air before I felt Jun Kai grab my phone out of my hand. The phone's screen was still on from when I was texting 小老虎.

"Hey!!" I coughed a bit, wincing from the pain while reaching out to Jun Kai. As if he'd actually give it back to me. "G-Giv- Ah- G-Give that back!!"

He looked down at me and sneered. "What? Are you hiding something?" He laughed before looking at my phone.

Jun Kai took one look at it and his eyes went wide. He then narrowed his eyes, looking deeply into the texts, reading it. He looked at the phone as if he wasn't believing what he just saw before he backed away. "What?" I heard him mumbled before he looked down at me. Then back at my phone. He just froze there with his mouth hanging open, shocked for some reason. I took this advantage to take back the phone and got up from my position, running away from the three once I was on my feet again.

- Jun Kai's POV -

My heart dropped when I read the phone screen. How? When? What? I felt my chest tighten. I froze there.

Before I could say anything to _Y/N_ the phone was gone right before my eyes.

I had her. And she ran.

I finally met her but I treated her like trash.

Qian Xi and Wang Yuan tried running after her but I held them back. "No. Let her go." I spoke sternly before my face just dropped into a frown. "I can't believe myself."
The two looked over at me with a puzzled look, "Xiao Kai?" They blinked.
I shook my head slightly, "It's nothing let's just go."

I met her. She was in front of me the whole entire time. I met her yet I didn't notice. I was blind.

I talk to her everyday on the internet yet I treated her like trash in real life when I could have been holding her close.


My love.

My friend.

My internet friend.

{ I hope this wasn't confusing? Haha XD }

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