Since The End Of Summer

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Rigel's POV:

* 23 years old *

"What? No! I can't believe you said that!" I told Leah before laughing.

"I did! He was pissing me off! He said his beef was raw four times, so I stormed out and told him that if he wanted his beef to be cooked, he should make one himself." She said and sat down on the couch next to me.

"I wish I could be there to see his face!" I admitted.

"It was priceless! He was so shocked and offended!" She said and mimicked his face and we both started laughing heavily.

"Did Robert find out?" I asked her.

Robert was our boss. Leah and I work together in an Italian restaurant to earn some money to help the orphanage that where we volunteer.
No one knows about our job and our volunteering instead of my father and Leah's parents. Our brothers have no idea that we work at a restaurant and that we do volunteering in an orphanage.

"Who's Robert?" Nathan asked walking inside the living room with Darius right beside him.

"It's none of your business." I told him.

"Is Robert your boyfriend?" Darius said mimicking a girl.

"No." I chuckled. "He's a..."

"He's the library guy." Leah said before it sounded more obvious that I was hiding something.

"You guys don't go to the library!" Nathan said.

"How do you know? Have you ever been in a library before?" Leah snapped.

"Touché" he said and sat down on the couch with Darius.

"What are you guys watching?" Darius asked.

"Notting Hill, it's pretty amazing!" I answered him.

"I love this movie!" He said. I was about to ask him something but was interrupted.

* buzz buzz buzz buzz *

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Rigel, it's Sasha!" She said cheerfully.

"Oh, hey Sasha!" I said.

"Look, Caden is a little sad and he says that if you come here for a while, he might stay a little happier. Can you please come?" She pleaded.

"I'll try, but don't give him much hope. I don't want to break a 5 year old kid's heart!" I said.

"Thank you! Bye!!" She said and finished the call.

I turned my attention back to the movie and whispered to Leah:

"Hey, do you mind if I go to the orphanage and talk to Caden for a while? Sasha said he's a little sad.."

"Now?" She asked.

"Maybe" I answered her.

"Oh, yes! I don't think they would mind!" She said.

"Thanks." I told her.

I got up and went to her room to get my purse and jacket, and then got back to the living room.

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