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Darius's POV:

"What?" She asked slowly.

"Would you come with me? To your father's formal party?" I asked again. She was about to say something but I interrupted her. "Don't ask, but your dad wanted me to come with you." I kind of lied.

"Okay, I would love to go with you." She said and I smiled at her.

The rest of the lunch went perfectly fine. My parents didn't embarras me, which was amazing, Rigel agreed to come with me to the party and Sasha gave me the confirmation that I can adopt Caden and Jayden, today.

My parents wanted to stay in the living room, because they wanted to watch some old romance movie, so Rigel and I decided to go to my room while we waited for Leah and Nathan to arrive.

"What do you want to do, star? We can watch a movie if you want." I asked and suggested she was happy though, but when I called her 'star' she completely changed. She turned around and looked at the ground. "Are you okay?" I asked with worry.

"I'm fine." She said but didn't turn around.

"Can you please turn around?" I asked her and she didn't say anything. After a few moments she slowly turned around, looking at the ground and then looking at the window. She had been crying. "Rigel you're not okay, what's going on?" I asked looking at her even though she wasn't looking at me.

"It's nothing. It's just that I don't have a good memory when it comes to the nickname 'star'." She said slowly, still not looking at me.

"Does that memory include Max?" I asked and she looked at me.

"How do you know about Max?" She asked, her sweet voice has now turned to a anger voice.

"I don't know nothing about Max, Rigel! I just know that he did something to break your heart." I said defensive.

"And how do you know that?" She raised her voice.

"Rigel calm down! Your father told me that he broke your heart. He only told me that." I answered raising my hands in a way to calm her down, which didn't work.

"Why would my father tell you something like that?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter now. Can you please tell me what he did? I'm sick of waiting for you to be ready!" I said raising my voice as well.

"You have to understand it's not that easy, Darius!" She said sitting in my bed.

"WHY?" I practically screamed. "Did he hurt you, did he cheat on you?" I asked.

"YES! He cheated on me! Are you happy now that you know?" She asked standing up from my bed.

"So what?" I asked. "Everyone gets cheated on. I got cheated on too. And I couldn't be more happy about it." I yelled.

"Yes Darius, but not everyone can be like you, can they?" She asked and turned around to leave the room but I grabbed her wrists.

"Wait!" I said and she turned to me. "This isn't about the fact that he cheated on you. This is about the fact that he cheated on you with someone familiar to you right?" I asked and she looked away.

"Darius, please don't d-" She started but I interrupted her.

"NO! Rigel, who did he cheated on you with?" I insisted.

"I'm not going to tell you!" She yelled looking at me.

"I deserve to know!" I yelled back at her.

"No you don't! This is something personal!" She said with tears in her eyes.

"Rigel, I'm not going to wait three more months to know this." I said looking at her. "Tell me!"

"Darius stop it!" She yelled the tears falling down her cheeks.

"RIGEL! TELL ME! WHO DID HE CHEATED ON YOU WITH?" I yelled louder than ever.

"MY MOM!" She yelled louder than me and I froze. "He cheated on me with my mother when I was eighteen years old." She said sitting down on my bed and wiping the tears from her face.

"I'm so sorry, if I knew I wouldn't pressure you to tell me." I sighed and sat down next to her.

"I was with Leah and Max in some party, he wen-" She started but I interrupted her.

"Rigel, you don't have to tell me." I said shaking my head.

"You already know what happened, you deserve to know the details." She said and I nodded my head. "He went to grab me a drink and said that he had to leave because his mother had called him. I offered to go with him but he refused it. I completely ignored it and did what everybody does in parties, drank and danced." She paused and took a deep breath. "Everything was fine until his mother called me. I answered it and she asked me if I was with him, I told her that I wasn't, because he told me that he had to go back home because his mother called him. She told me that that wasn't possible because his parents were in Australia." She said and wiped a few more tears from her face.

"I offered to go there to see if he was there and she told me that they had a spare key under their vase. I then, left the party and drove to his house. When I arrived there I took the spare underneath the vase and opened the door. Everything was normal except the living room. There were clothes on the ground that guided me to his room. While I walked towards his room I could hear loud moans coming from it. When I reached his room I slowly opened the door and there they were." She took a deep breath and continued. "They were doing it in front of me like their lives depended on it. I called for his name and he looked at me surprised. Once he turned to look at me I could perfectly see who the girl was, unfortunately it was my mother." She could barely say the last part because of her crying.

She looked at me and rested her head on my shoulder while she cried harder and harder. I wrapped my hands around her body and hugged her tight.

"My boyfriend cheated on me with my mother! Who does that?" She asked between sobs.

"I never liked him anyways." I admitted and she pulled away.

"What? You didn't even know him." She said.

"You think?" I asked and she gave me a confused look. "Do you want to know the real reason why I did what I did to Sebastian?" I asked her.

"Of course!" She said after nodding her head.

"I did what I did, because I wanted to do what Max did to me." I said and she widened her eyes. "I wanted to feel the power and to receive the respect that Max received when he did that to me."

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