Deal With The Devil

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Rigel's POV:

"I should have stayed with you." I mumbled.

"No. You promised your dad that you would talk to her, so you couldn't stay with me. I would never let you." He said after grabbing my hand.

"Look who's finally awake." Some nurse said after entering the room. "I'm going to call the Doctor." She said and left the room, after a few minutes she came back with the Doctor.

"Good morning Dazs, I'm Doctor Times." He said and extended his hand for Darius to shake, which he did.

"Good morning, when can I leave?" He asked the doctor.

"You can leave today, but you have to promise me something." He said and Darius nodded his head while he smiled. "You have to promise me, you will not get into a fight again. Yesterday's fight was pretty bad. It was very difficult to find something to give you to wake you up. You know in the movies where you see a guy punching the other until he dies?" The doctor asked and he nodded his head. "You may think that that doesn't happen, but it actually does happen."

"So you're saying that if Kai hadn't stop Max, Darius could no longer be here?" I asked and he nodded his head. "I'm going to call your parents." I said and left the room. I went to the waiting room everybody stood up.

"He's awake." I said and they all went to his room with me.

"How is he?" Louise asked the doctor as soon as we all entered the room.

"He's fine, he can leave today, you just have to sign some papers." The doctor answered and she sighed in relief.

"Where do I sign?" She asked him.


When Darius left the hospital he went straight to his place. The doctors said that he needed a few days to recover and then he could be a normal guy again. Fortunately, those few days passed by really quick, so he could do everything he used to do before the whole incident.

I was in the living room with my laptop and my brother when dad came home with Natalie.

"Hey guys." Dad greeted us and we greeted them.

"Hey dad!" We said.

"I have something to tell you." He said and we stopped. "Natalie is coming to live with us." He said quietly and I widened my eyes.

"That's amazing dad!" I said and hugged him. When I pulled away I walked towards Natalie and hugged her as well. "I'm so happy for you two." I told them.

"Congrats dad! And Natalie!" Nathan said and hugged them both.

"You guys don't mind?" He asked us.

"Of course not! Anything to make you happy!" Nathan and I said to him and he smiled.

"Thank you guys!" My dad said.

"You're welcome dad." I told him and went back to my room.

*buzz buzz buzz buzz*

I immediately recognized the number even though I didn't had the contact.

"What do you want Max?" I said answering the call, annoyed.

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