Not A Bad Thing

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Rigel's POV:

I slowly opened the bathroom door and saw Leah in a chair with her hands in her face.

"Leah, are you okay?" I asked after approaching her.

"I know you were there, behind that plant, with Dazs, I know you were there." She said between sobs.

"I'm sorry for my brother." I said.

"Rigel, he's the one that has to say sorry, not you! Rigel, I know he regrets himself, at least I think he does, but he didn't even say 'sorry'." She said. "I would be fine, if he said the words 'I'm sorry'." She said before standing up and looking at the mirror. "He knows about my past and didn't even understood that I would be okay with an 'I'm sorry' coming out of his mouth."

"Maybe you didn't let him say it. I mean, we saw that he was about to say something when you ran away." I told her before taking my make up out of my clutch and giving it to Leah.

"Do you think I should give him a chance to explain himself?" She asked, not convinced that it was a good idea.

"Yes! You should definitely give him a second chance to explain himself. If he doesn't say sorry, he looses you." I said and helped her with her make-up.

"I like that idea." She said and I chuckled.

"C'mon let's go. Natalie is about to throw the bouquet!" I said and we left the bathroom before running towards the room.

When we reached there Leah told me that she was going to find Nathan and hear him out.

"How did it go?" Dazs asked me.

"Good. She already knew we were listening, but she didn't mind. I convinced her to give Nathan a chance to explain himself, and she said that she would forgive him if he says 'sorry'." I said and he nodded his head.

"Great! I told Nathan to say sorry!" He said and we both sighed in relief.

We sat down on the table and tried to find Nathan and Leah, but that was useless because the room was full with people, so it was very hard to find any of them. Suddenly the music stopped.

"Ladies, I'm going to throw the bouquet!" Natalie said and we all gathered up and raised our hands to try to catch it. Natalie turned around and threw the bouquet, I didn't catch it, but someone next to me did. I turned to my right and saw Leah with it on her hands.

"Oh my God! Congratulations Leah!" I said and hugged her.

"I never caught one of these! I'm so happy!" She said and we went to our table.

"Congratulations honey!" George said after she sat down on the table.

"Thanks dad!" She thanked him and looked around the table. "Where's Nathan?" She asked.

No one could say anything because when Dazs was about to say something the DJ spoke up:

"Hey everyone! I'm sorry for stopping the music, but this guy here, Nathan, asked me to put this song that he wants to dedicate to a very special girl named Leah. His words not mine." He said and we all looked at Leah and then at Nathan.

Soon, the song 'Not A Bad Thing' by Justin Timberlake started to come out of the speakers.
Do you know where in the movies when everybody leaves the dance floor to let the prom king and queen dance? Well, tonight was similar to that. Except the fact that Nathan walked towards our table and asked Leah to dance.

"May I have this dance?" He asked and extended his hand.

"Yes you may." She said and took his hand before walking towards the dance floor and dancing along the song.

God, these two are the cutest thing I have ever seen. Dazs and I spent the whole time looking at them. Nathan was so happy, you could see it by the way he kept smiling at Leah, and Leah, well she couldn't be more excited, she laughed, she smiled, she leaned closer, basically they did everything.

"Shall we?" Dazs asked and extended his hand to me. I gladly took it and nodded my head before walking towards the dance floor with him. He put his hand on my waist and I put my right hand on his left shoulder, and then we started dancing.


The wedding couldn't have gone better, Natalie and dad went to their honeymoon after it, and they couldn't be more happy about it.

The truth is, a few years, maybe two, have passed since my dad and Natalie got married. All of us finished college and now all of us are working. I'm the owner of the tennis club (thanks to Dazs), sometimes I teach some people how to play it, Dazs is a very known lawyer, Nathan is a surgeon and Leah is a pediatrician. Dazs and I are still dating, and, "surprisingly", so is Nathan and Leah. They are really in love with each other, Leah comes talk to me every single day about how in love she is with my brother, about their fights, about the gifts he gives her, literally about everything. She may be 25, but she looks like an 18 year old teenager that fell in love with a guy for the first time. If she acts like this, just because of a boyfriend, then today she's going to flip!

I'll cut to the chase, Nathan decided that he was going to ask Leah to marry him. He's a bit nervous, because he thinks that she's going to say 'no' but Dazs and I told him that that was ridiculous, because all of us knew that Leah is completely in love with him, so she'll say 'yes', of course.

"Nathan, are you ready?" I called from the living room. He came to the living room, running with his blazer in his hand.

"I don't know! I'm so nervous! What if she says 'no'?" He asked putting his blazer on.

"Dude, I know my sister, she's going to say 'yes', believe me!" Dazs told him and he sighed in relief.

"Alright, let's go then!"He said and we went on separate ways.

The plan is, Nathan and Dazs are going to the place where it will happen, while I am going to spent some time with Leah, and they prepare everything. When everything is ready, I will bring Leah to that same place, and leave her there with Nathan.

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