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Darius's POV:

"Rigel, wait!" I said following her out of the room but it was too late. She was already gone.

"Good morning. Where's Rigel?" I heard my sister asking from behind me.

"Good morning." I said turning around to look at her. "I have no idea where she might be, she left without saying a word." I explained and she groaned.

"What did you do?" She asked annoyed.

"I didn't do anything! She left the house, when she saw Amanda and I on her bed. I tried to explained that nothing happened, but she wouldn't let me." I answered her.

"I can see why she wouldn't let you explain.." She said and looked at my body head to toe. I looked down at my body and understood what she meant. I still have my boxers on, of course she didn't want to hear me.

"Do you know any place she might be?" I asked her.

"Nope. Sorry.." She said and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I stayed in the living room for a while, I called her, I texted her, I called friends, I did pretty much everything I could do, but I still haven't got anything.

"Hey D? I'm leaving!" Leah told me walking towards the door.

"Wait! Are you going to be with Rigel?" I asked her.

"Im not sure! I'm going to the mall, if I found her there I'll tell her to talk to you." She told me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thanks sis! I'll stay here!" I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Bye." I said.

"Bye!" She said before leaving the house.


Rigel's POV:

"Two fettuccines for table 6, please!" I said walking inside the kitchen.

"Rigel!" I heard my name and looked back and saw Leah running towards me. "Why did you leave so soon?" She asked putting in her cooking apron.

"I- uh- I- Thought I was late!" I said hesitating a bit.

"You don't fool me! Why did you leave so soon?" She asked and I didn't say anything. "Was it because of my brother?" She asked and I looked at her confused.

"Why do you say that?" I asked her.

"I came across him this morning, and he told me that you left after seeing him with another girl on your bed. Is this the reason why you left so soon?" She asked.

"Maybe" I mumbled.

"How did you feel about it?" She asked me slowly.

"How do you think I felt? Leah, your brother was in my bed with another girl. Of course I'm devastated!" I said looking at the two fettuccines.

"So, that means that you actually feel something for him?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Maybe. I don't know. I love being with him, but I hate not being with him. And I stay devastated when I see him with other girls! Ugh! It's so frustrating!" I sighed with frustration.

I walked in the dining room and delivered the two fettuccines to the table 6. I was about to enter the kitchen again when I heard someone call for me.

"Um, miss? Do you mind coming here for a second?" I heard her voice and turned around.

"How can I help you with?" I asked her and her friends that were with her.

"You look so pretty with that outfit." She said with sarcasm.

"You too." I said walking near their table.

"I'm not wearing any outfit." She said looking down at her body.

"I was talking about your face..." I said and heard someone clearing his throat. I turned around and saw Robert looking at me with a frown in his face.

"I'm so sorry for my behavior, what did you say you want?" I told her and Robert left.

"I want number 6: a mushroom fettuccine salad." She said and I wrote it on my notebook and started to walk towards the kitchen but she stopped me again.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you!" I turned around and looked at her. "I'm so sorry that you saw your boyfriend cheating on you the other day!" She said with a smirk on her face.

"Darius is no-" I started but she interrupted me:

"Not Darius! Max! You know, your boyfriend from when you were 18, that cheated on you with your mother! You remember him, don't you?" She said and once again with a smirk on her face.

"How do you know that?" I asked hoping that she wouldn't say what I'm thinking.

"Darius told me, of course!" She said like it was obvious. There it was. The only think I didn't want to hear, and she said it.

"He told you?" I asked her with tears in my eyes. She simply nodded her head and I stormed out of the restaurant ignoring Leah calling my name.


Darius's POV:

I haven't left Nathan's house yet. If it's necessary I will stay here until Rigel comes back, even if it takes days. I have to explain her that what happened this morning was a misunderstanding.


I looked at Nathan and he gave me a confused look. We looked at the door and see Rigel walking towards us.

"YOU!" She screamed and pointed at me.

"I'm gonna give you guys some privacy." Nathan said before leaving the house.

"Rigel! Thank God you're here! I have been wanting to talk to you since this morning. You have to let me explain!" I begged her.

"You can explain me what happened this morning later! Right now, you're going to explain me what were you thinking when you decided to tell Amanda that my boyfriend cheated on me with my mother! Don't you think it was enough to sleep with her? You had to tell her my secret?" She cried in frustration. She sat down on the couch and placed her face in her hands. 

I leaned forward to comfort her and hug her but she stood up and started stepping away from me.

"Don't. Touch. Me! The last thing I want right now is another Max in my life okay?" She said and then ran towards her room. I followed her but she locked her door room before I could get in.

"Rigel, please. Let me explain." I sighed and when I knew she wasn't going to open the door for me, I sat down and leaned against her bedroom door.

There was no way I was going to leave this place without talking to Rigel.

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