Tennis clubs and weddings

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Rigel's POV:

He started the car, but he had something in his hand.

"No! No! Hell no! I'm so not going to put a blindfold on!" I protested.

"Yes you are! Put that on!" He ordered and I obeyed.

I had no idea where we were, where we were going, anything!

"We're here! Hold on, I'll open the door for you!" He said and opened my door before helping me hopping out of the car. "Let's go." He said and started walking with me, because I still had the blindfold on. I continued to walk, even though Nathan wasn't holding my hand to help me anymore.

"Ouch! Nathan!" I groaned in pain when my head hit what I believe was a tree.

"Sorry! I forgot you were blindfolded. Don't worry we're almost there!" He said and helped me again. "Now, we're here!" He said and took my blindfold off.

At first I wasn't quite sure where we were, but after a few minutes I realized where we were. We were in a tennis club.

"Nathan, why are we in a tennis club?" I asked him, but when I turned to look at him he wasn't there, just a big card saying 'Follow the rose petals'. I had no idea there were rose petals on the floor until I looked at it.

I followed the rose petals and passed by  every single court there was in that tennis club, not just tennis courts, the club also had studios, it was a big club that thought tennis, every type of dance and some martial arts, I passed by those really quickly. There were rose petals everywhere! It was all so beautiful. I stopped walking when I reached the place where I started, but this time Darius was there.

"Please tell me you didn't do this for me!" I told him after approaching him.

"I didn't do this for you. Nathan, Leah and I did this for you." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why?" I asked him.

"Leah told me about your conversation." He said and I sighed. "This is my way to show you how I feel about you." He said and I gave him a shy smile.

"You rented the whole tennis club for tonight?" I asked in surprise.

"I sort of bought the tennis club." He answered slowly and I froze.

"How do you sort of buy the tennis club?" I asked after a small chuckle.

"Because I bought it, but it's not mine." He answered and I gave him a confused look. "It's yours. I bought it for you." He said and my jaw dropped.

"You bought the tennis club for me?" I asked with widen eyes.

"Yup, I wanted you to know how I feel about you." He said with a smile.

"You could have just bought me a flower." I chuckled. "You didn't have to spend thousands of dollars in this."

"Yes I did. You deserve everything." He came near me and wrapped his hands around my waist while I wrapped mine around his neck. "I love you Rigel, never forget that." He said and I smiled at him.

"I love you too Darius." I said and gave him a very passionately kiss. The kiss didn't last that long, because he pulled away after a few seconds.

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