Chapter 1

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The Question


Tobin and Lauren sat at a table at a restaurant, talking about school and what they were going to do for the upcoming project. "Who else is in our group," asked the curly haired girl. Tobin thought but the thoughts were soon interrupted by the vibrating coming from her phone.

"Oh hey Servando," answered Tobin with a fake smile while Lauren was eating her sandwich.

"No sorry she isn't with me right now. Do you want me to tell her to call you?"

"Okay no problem, yeah okay, bye."

The dude was one of her closest friends; they were only close because of Alex.

Alex. The name was like music to the girl's ears. There wasn't a day where her thoughts weren't focused on her.

Lauren, knowing her best friend asked, "Hey what's wrong Tob?" Tobin sighed, and replied,"I don't know." She furrowed her eyebrows while messing with the straw wrapper laying on the table. Thinking.

"Tobin, can I ask you something?"

"Anything Cheney."

"Do you like Alex?"

The shorter girl looked up at Lauren. No one ever asked her that. Tobin thought for a good couple of seconds. She's liked her since the day she met her at the homecoming dance.

"Uh, hello is Tobin there? Earth to Tobin," said Lauren waving her hand in front of Tobin's blank face. "Oh, sorry, Cheney." "It's okay kid. So do you?" asked Lauren taking a sip from her lemonade with her eyebrows jumping up in down, making Tobin chuckle.

"Psh, no" replied Tobin with a fake laugh trying to play it off. Her hands were nervously tapping on the table, beginning to bother everyone else in the restaurant. "Come on Tobin. You took a while answering my question. Besides, it's okay if you do; you know I won't tell anyone," she said with a serious look on her face.

"Okay. I do. But I know I shouldn't because she's my friend and that's...weird," answered Tobin while pushing her chair under the restaurant table. "I'm gonna go. Bye, Cheney!" Soon enough Tobin was in her car, clenching the steering wheel of her black 1970 Challenger.

The drive back to Tobin's apartment was very quick. Tobin felt anxious. She felt guilty for leaving Lauren like that. She got to her apartment and shut the door behind her and let out a relieving sigh. 

Again, her phone rang. She groaned, pulling it out of her pocket and stopped her silent cursing when reading the name that appeared on the screen. Alex. "Hey, Lex," she smiled, changing her tone. 

"Hey Tobs, there's a party tonight. It's a couple blocks down your street, wanna go?"

"Heck yeah!"

(Author's Note)

This chapter has been edited.

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