Chapter 6

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Las Vegas


It was their first day in Las Vegas and it's been amazing. The two girls spent the whole day exploring, touring, travelling around Las Vegas. They were excited because tomorrow was the EDM event and Tobin's been wanting to go for the past couple of years.

It was going to be fun. The fact that she was going with her girlfriend, Christen made it sound even better. They've been together for a while and it's been great.

Tobin never expected her life to be this fun when she was a kid. She felt as if there was no hope when Mom left then soon died. That day was so tragic. She's been hurting ever since, but then Christen came and she's done so much.

The next night, Tobin rolled up her flannel's sleeves.

"Let's go, Christen, you ready?"

"Yep, let's go!"

They walked over to the entrance where security guards scanned the people quickly with the metal detectors. The music was so loud and everyone was jumping the music was like a drug. You could jump for hours to it and you wouldn't be tired.

"Enjoy the event," said the security guard.

"Oh we will," smiled Tobin. Christen got a hold of Tobin's hand and pulled her to the crowd where the people seemed to be having the times of their lives. Her arms wrapped around Tobin's neck as she smoothly moved her hips to the music.

The two girls were offered some type of drug. Tobin, who was as curious as Christen, took them. "This is a horrible idea," they said together before taking the pill. Later that night, Christen drove Tobin to their hotel. "Christen, thank you for everything," she mumbled before kissing her.

Then, Christen pulled away and unbuttoned Tobin's flannel before rigorously pulling it off and threw it across the room. Tobin lifted her and carried her to their made bed, their lips never separating. Christen flipped them over so that she was on top and straddled Tobin, her eager eyes staring straight into Tobin's. The first thing Tobin thought of was that one night. Alex.

The next morning, Tobin woke up alone in bed. She looked over at the lamp next to the bed and saw a note stuck on it. "I'm going to get us some breakfast," it read. I can't wait to go back to Diamond Bar, she thought. I can't wait to see the team especially her.

She thought about the times she would spend with the group of girls. She really missed them, especially Lauren. Her train of thought was interrupted by the opening and closing of a door. It was Christen with their breakfast tacos.

"Yummy," smiled Tobin. Christen leant over to kiss Tobin who was sitting on the chair in the small kitchen.

Later that day, Tobin dressed up in sweats and a Dri-fit shirt. "I'm going to the gym wanna come?"

"Nah, I'll stay and get ready to head back home tomorrow," replied Christen before getting a towel and heading for the shower.

"Okay, I'll be back in about an hour or so."

Tobin had a taxi drive her to the gym. She stared down at her phone as the driver drove her. Lately, she's been thinking about Alex. Yeah she thought about her friends but Alex was a whole different story.

Alex always made her feel a certain way, she liked that about her. Sadly, Alex didn't feel the same way...

She walked into the gym that was surprisingly empty. She put on her headphones and began stretching. I'm heading back home tomorrow, are they even going to recognise me, she thought to herself, flexing at the mirror.

"Get over yourself," chuckled someone who walked in.

Tobin took the headphones from her ear and let them hang from her neck. She turned around with a great smile etched across her face. "Hope!"

Hope winked and hung her towel on a bar before hugging her. "Heard you were here so I decided to pay a visit." Tobin didn't say anything, she missed her sister-like friend. Then she decided to ask her the question that was always on her mind.

"How's Alex," she asked.

"I don't really know. I just keep hearing from Kelley that she and Servando are going through a rough phase." Tobin frowned and huffed. "Oh well.."

"Go get your girl," chuckled Hope, patting her back. Tobin hid her smirk before asking Hope to spot her as she benched.

"I'm heading back...tomorrow," she grunted, pushing the bar up from her chest. "Or really? Everyone misses you, especially Alex."

Tobin let the bar fall on her chest, blowing all of the air out of her chest. Hope quickly pulled the bar off and set it on the rack. "You're, kidding," she said between coughs. The taller girl laughed. "Nope."

"I have a girlfriend now," she said.

"Oh..well then."

"I need your help."

Tobin took a sip of her water bottle then sighed. "I like Christen but I kinda also like Alex too," she said slowly. "Kinda? Tobin, you know you have way more feelings for her. I'd break up with Christen."

"I can't, she's helped me a lot," she mumbled. "Yeah, but who do you like more? You can't be with someone if your feelings are with someone else," explained Hope. "Yeah bu-"

"'But' nothing, it's either Alex or Christen."

Tobin sighed, choosing between both girls would be tough. But it's not like Alex cared, right?

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