Chapter 10

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Today Was Perfect


"Oh uh some kid hit Lex, Ash and I whacked him hehe," responded Tobin nervously.

"Wow, what a jerk," stated Hope looking left before taking a turn down Tobin's street.

The sister-like friends stepped out of Tobin's shiny white car. "Man, I wish I could find out the faggot that told squirrel that lie," breathed Hope looking down with her hands stuffed in her pockets. "Yeah must suck," replied Tobin feeling guilty after pressing the floor button in the elevator. 

Tobin knocked on her door, seconds later, Ash opened it. "Where's Lex," question Tobin dropping her now-broken sunglasses on the counter. "She's in the bathroom, cleaning herself up," answered the taller friend, pointing down the hall. "I'm gonna check on her."

"Hey, bro. You a'ight" asked Hope while taking a seat next to Ashlyn on the living room couch. "I'm fine I just got a couple cuts," responded the other girl, wincing while she dabbed on the deep and small cut on her right eyebrow. 

"How ya feeling?" Alex looked over from the sink at Tobin who was smiling at the view of the blue-eyed beauty while leaning on the wall with her arms crossed. "Yeah," shrugged Alex, "it's not that bad of a cut." The shorter girl walked up to Alex cupping her cheek, focused on the little cut.

"Yeah." Alex's eyes tried to avoid Tobin's but she couldn't resist it. Her eyes waited for Tobin's to look up to her.

And they did.

They had a comfortable silence as they both, slowly leaned in, never breaking eye contact. "Tobin, you're still bleeding," whispered Alex, softly pulling herself back. She brought her hand up to rub her cut on her cheekbone. "It's fine I'll clean myself up," responded Tobin.

"No Toby, sit on the counter I'll clean you up." Alex pulled out the first aid kit from under the sink. 

Ashlyn looked through Tobin's refrigerator. "Wonder what goin' on over there," chuckled Hope, skipping channels. "Hey let's go get something to eat I'm starving," suggested the hungry girl, closing the refrigerator. "Tobin! Can we go in your car to go find something to munch on," shouted Hope, putting on her jacket.

"Yeah, just drive safe!" responded Tobin, sitting on the counter leaning forward on her arms. When she saw Alex pull out the bottle of alcohol, she cursed under her breath. The strong blue eyes looked up, giving Tobin a warning look. "Sorry," shrugged Tobin with a crooked smile.

 After a while, the helpful girl finished. She gathered everything up and put it back under the sink. She then sat on the counter next to Tobin. "Thanks, Lex," said Tobin getting off of the counter to put the alcohol in the cabinet Alex was leaning on.

Tobin was now standing between Alex's thighs. The forward then leaned in but stopped before closing the gap between them. Tobin stood there, looking into Alex's eyes. No, she would never get enough of those eyes.

Tobin saw no hesitation in Alex's eyes and closed the small inches between them. This was something Tobin waited for, the perfect moment where both girls would feel something. She carried Alex to her room.

Slowly and carefully, Tobin laid Alex down, their lips never separating. Alex flipped them over so she was on top. Tobin's back was against the headboard and Alex was straddling her waist. The tanned girl's perfect brown hair surrounded Tobin's head like curtains. She began to slowly pull off her long sleeve but was interrupted by the phone's annoying ringtone.

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