Chapter 15

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Don't Worry About Him


School ended fast for the girls. Tobin spent all her passing periods walking Alex to her classes. She didn't care if she was late to class.

"Hey Tobin," yelled Hope waving her hand with her left arm resting on Kelley's shoulders. Tobin and Alex walked to their littler crew. "Sup," nodded the shorter girl pursing her lips and her stuffing hands in her pocket.

Alex was talking to Ali and Kelley while the other three talked to each other. "Dude are you two talking again," asked Ash fixing her snapback. "Nah," sighed Tobin with a slight frown. "Ask her to the ball," suggested both girls at the same time.

"Good idea."

"Sorry for interrupting," excused Tobin, getting a hold of Alex's soft hand. "Alex," she started, clearing her throat, "will you go to tonight's ball with me?"

"I'm not sure that's gonna happen, sorry," shrugged Alex looking down. "Oh," was all the midfielder managed to say before putting her hands behind her back looking at her Damn Daniels. (Sorry I had to lmfao)

"I'm just kidding Toby, of course I would," laughed the blue-eyed-girl, hugging the  suprised girl."Wow, sounds great! I'll pick you up at 7," confirmed Tobin holding onto her "friend's" hips.

Tobin, Hope, and Ashlyn went in Tobin's car to her apartment while Kelley, Ali, and Alex went in Ash's jeep to Alis house.

"Hope, pass me my dress shoes," said Ashlyn pointing at her purple oxfords. Hope gave her the shoes as Tobin fixed her cerulean-colored tie. The dark-haired-keeper stood up in her tux.

"How do I look," asked Hope with her arms outstretched, slowly spinning in a circle. "Fresh," said one friend in a high pitched voice.

"Clean bro," said the other while standing up, fixing her jacket. "Let's go," said Tobin, snapping her fingers before reaching for her keys.

"Where did I leave my heels," mumbled Kelley walking around the house, looking around the floor. Alex finished putting on her mascara, while Ali was in the living room texting Ash.

Tobin is gonna suprise Alex so when we get here, bring Kelley downstairs and keep Alex busy.


Ali quietly opened the door to let Ashlyn and the girls in. Hope hugged Kelley and the blonde did the same with Ali. "Kels! Ali," yelled Alex from upstairs. "Shh. Follow me," whispered the defender.

They walked up the stairs, into Ali's bedroom. "How do I look," asked Alex with Ali and Kelley walking in. Her back was turned against the door, as she smiled at her two friends.

She looks so beautiful, thought Tobin as she stood in the hallway, frozen and hidden from the girl.

"Perfect," she interrupted, walking in slowly. Alex's eyes widened. "So, Alex, how do I look?" Tobin had a wide smile across her face as she continued to walk towards the forward, figitting with her cufflinks.

Alex's mouth dropped. "You loo-," she changed her nervous tone to a more confident one, "well, I can't say, that would be very inappropriate," she finished, seductively.

"Why don't we take thi-"

"Stop flirting and make out already," spilled Ashlyn walking in the room with Hope behind her. Alex began to blush furiously. "Haha. Very funny," replied Tobin sarcasticly.

The group arrived at the ball. Fancy music played as the chatter filled up the room. "I'll get us a table," said Tobin. Then, Vincent walked into the room with Beca's arm wrapped around his.

Alex laid her eyes on him as Tobin did too. Vincent was wearing a white tux with a red bowtie and a red vest under his jacket.

Then she saw Beca. What a slut, thought Alex as she twisted the little umbrella in her drink.

The girls went to the restroom while Tobin, Hope, and Ashlyn sat at their table. "Did you see Vincent?"

"Yeah. No offense Hope but I hate your cousin, he's a little bitch," admitted Tobin, neatly folding a napkin.

"It's cool, none taken. He's not even my cousin by blood and I'll never forgive him for what he did to Kelley and I," answered Hope, smiling at Kelley as she walked with Alex and Ali back to the table.

"She's so beautiful," thought all three girls aloud in unison with a sigh.

"Aww, she's so beautiful," mimicked a familiar voice.

"What do you want," asked Hope standing up.

"That's no way to greet someone. Especially your cousin," replied Vincent with an evil smirk, holding his glass of wine.

"Listen you, if you hurt my Lex, I swear I will kill you," threatened Tobin, standing up, making the table rattle. Everyone in the room got quiet.

"I'd be glad to do the same," he smiled, playing it off as the attention turned to him, "Excuse me while I find a table for Beca and I."

He cleared his throat before walking away, letting his hand rest slightly above Becca's hip.

Alex and the two other girls were walking back to the table. She almost reached the table before Vincent purposely bumped Alex, spilling the wine all over her.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

The three friends stood up quickly and walked to Alex. She looked down at her dress, surprised. The beautiful girl walked out of the room with everyone else following, instantly falling into tears.

"Alex, Its ok."

"Look at that."

Vincent's voice made Tobin jump. "Shut up, Vincent," she muttered while walking towards him, full of anger.

Vincent swung at Tobin and made contact with her nose. She dabbed her nose and saw blood on her fingers. She shoved him, making him fall back. Hope grabbed him and pulled him outside, leaving the couple alone.

Alex ran to Tobin. "Oh, no. Tobin are you ok?"

"I'm fine don't worry about me."

Tobin ran to Vincent and pulled him from Hope's strong grip and began to punch his gut. "Tobin, stop! Calm down," yelled Alex, pulling Tobin's shoulder back.

Tobin cooled down before noticing the group of people watching her full of anger.


"I'm sorry, Alex, really, I am. I made a fool out of myself. I shouldn't have," sighed Tobin, looked down at the ground as she sat on the counter in the restroom.

"Its okay, don't worry," said Alex, cleaning Tobin up.  "Thanks. I'm sorry I shou-"

Alex hushed Tobin with her soft lips pressing against hers. Tobin instinctively put her hands on Alex's hips then moved them down.

She planted many kisses on Alex's smooth neck then picked her up and took her to her room.


She sat up, looked down at Alex. "Yes?"

"Are you ok," she asked, worried for her.

"Yeah, it's just that Vincent pisses me off and-"

"Don't worry about him," she whispered before flipping them around, straddling the midfielder, biting her lip.

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