Chapter 5

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Party Time...Again


"Finally, New York," sighed Christen with an excitement look in her green eyes. "So, where are you heading?"

"Who me," asked Tobin with a goofy smile pointing at herself. "Yes you, silly," said Christen giving Tobin a squeeze on her cheek. Tobin looked down to hide her blush. "I'm going to a hotel and go out. Wanna go to a party or something?"

"Sure, what time?"

"How does 8 sound?"

"Sounds great! I'll give you my hotel address later tonight. See you later, Tobs."

Those were the exact words Alex told Tobin before her "trip".

I miss you so much, Lex, thought Tobin, grabbing her briefcase before exiting the airport.

Later on that night, Tobin stopped the taxi in front of Christen's hotel and told the driver they'd be waiting for someone. She called the girl who answered after just seconds of ringing.

"Hey, Christen I'm outside. You ready?"

"Yeah, I'm heading downstairs right now."

They walked into the house where teenagers were drinking and dancing.

"Ready to party?" Christen held two bottles of Smirnoff with one in each hand while shaking her hips excitedly.

"Heck yes," answered Tobin, taking a drink from Christen.

Tobin was in the kitchen, staring at Christen while she danced. She's cute. She slowly walked up to Christen and asked if she could dance with her. "Yeah let me show you," shouted Christen over the loud music, seductively dancing in front of Tobin. It seemed as if the music playing got louder but none of the two girls noticed because they were focused on each other.

Soon enough, Tobin and Christen were laying together in Tobin's hotel room. Alex wasn't on her mind that night and that wasn't going to be the only night where she wasn't going to think of her.

Christen was snuggled up on Tobin as she stared at the window where the stars were missing. Then, Tobin's phone began to ring.

"Hello," she answered, sitting up.


"Lex? It's like 3 in the morning over here," she groaned, not sounded very interested.

"Hey, how was your first day at 'The Big Apple'?"

"Good, great actually we went to a party but we didn't stay for long."


"Oh yeah I met this girl, Christen," she smiled at the girl.

"Oh." A frown etched across Alex's tired face.

"Well I gotta go, I'll call you when I can. Later, Lex."

Tobin hung up and lied back down, wrapping her arm around Christen's slim waist.

Alex put her phone down on the counter by her bed. She pulled the covers over herself and thought about Tobin. She felt somewhat jealous. Why? She didn't know.

Alex stepped out of her house the next morning and was surprised by Servando. "Serv," she exclaimed while running towards him. "Hey, Lex," he said catching her and holding her tightly. Only Tobin called me Lex. "Serv?"

"Yes beautiful?"

That's what Tobin called me before leaving. Alex's eyes welled up. "Tobin left," she said in a shaky voice before beginning to cry. "Alex, it's ok, baby," he sighed while hugging her and brushing her hair with his hand. "Hey, I didn't leave my family to see you cry. I left to see you happy."

His small frown made Alex feel bad. She sniffled before apologising, forcing a smile. "Get dressed cause we're going out," he said with a smile. "Okay." sighed Alex, looking into Servando's eyes as he wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"Hey Tobs, I'm gonna go out to eat wanna come?" Tobin nodded her head before slipping on a sweater, turning off the T.V. They ate their lunch and talked about different things. "Where should we go next?" Tobin turned to Christen as they walked together down the packed street. Christen's eyes caught the trees and grass down the street.

"Hmmm, how about Central Park?"

"Sounds great."

They had a good time there. It just seemed so nice there.Sure, the trees and sights were nice but what Tobin loved the most was Christen's expression. She is so beautiful, she thought.



"I'm going to Las Vegas next month, some DJ is going to perform at some event and I don't wanna go alone. Are you willing to join me?"

"Of course! That's gonna be fun," she smiled. Tobin then thought of her dad. Maybe she should pay him a visit. "Hey, you're here to visit some family right?"


"How about you go visit your family while I go see my dad?"

"Sounds good, I'll meet you back at the hotel later tonight?"

"Yeah, I'll bring dinner."

Tobin had a taxi drive her to her father's business building. She stepped out of the yellow car and stared up at the building in amazement. She felt a little...out of place. All of the workers were dressed in nice suits and outfits while Tobin wore a casual "Tobin" outfit. 

She smiled at the people her passed her, walking towards the front desk. "Hello, I'm Tobin Heath, here to see my father, Jeff," she stammered nervously, with her hands folded behind her back.

The receptionist kindly smiled, calling the man. "Mr Heath, your daughter is here to see you." 

"Well, bring her up here!"

His voice sounded very happy and that made Tobin feel so much better. She knocked softly before opening the door. "Dad."

"Tobin," he sighed, hugging her tightly. "How've you been? How's school?"

"Everything's great, I actually came up here just to visit the city and you of course." Her father stood up and leant on his desk. "Have a seat, sweetheart, we have so much to catch up on."

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