Chapter 20

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He's Back

The Final Chapter


Tobin sat on her couch and watched Impractical Jokers on her plasma screen tv. Then she heard a knock on her door. Opening the door, she could not believe her own eyes. "How," she muttered.

"Missed me," he chuckled with a smug grin. "I ordered someone to do it," she gasped, taking a couple steps back. "Please, Tobin. Do you really think, my own cousin would let someone kill me," he questioned with his hands stuffed in his dark jeans.

She clenched her jaw. "Alex has hated me this past decade because she thought you were dead," she said through her grit teeth. "Why didn't you return to her so soon? You don't care, do you?"

"That reminds me, I need to head home and see my son," he replied, with a smile. He then took off and Tobin decided to follow. He arrived at Alex's house and Tobin parked at the corner of the street with her headlights turned off.

She watched him knock on the door, with Alex answering in seconds. Alex dropped cup in her hand and stood there, shocked. "Vincent," she said, which sounded more like a question.

She jumped on him, hugging him and kissing him. Then Malik walked towards them. Vincent squatted and messed with his hair.

He had Alex's eyes but he had Vincent's face structure and smile. "Lik, this is your dad," she sighed. Tobin watched the family walk into the house.

She wanted to be the one to take care of Malik.

"Dad dad! Come here! Look at my toys! Look," exclaimed Malik eagerly, jumping up and down. He pulled Vincent upstairs to his room and Alex followed, chuckling at the view of her son and his father.

"These are my friends. Josh, Jack, Alec, and Zachariah. Mom said they can spend the night because it's my birthday," he explained. "These are my toys," he said pulling out a box full of the toys Alex bought him.

He pulled out 4 little action figure soccer players."This is Messi," he said, handing the toy to his father. "This one's Neymar and this one's Ronaldo." Vincent's eyes glowed as he smiled at his son. "And my favorite one, Chicharito," he exclaimed eagerly.

"Wow," smiled Vincent. "Vincent, why don't we go downstairs and let the boys play," suggested Alex. She walked downstairs with Vincent behind her holding her hand.

"Where have you been," she asked. "Tobin never killed me. Hope paid the guy who was supposed to kill me. They sent me somewhere far," he explained sitting down behind the kitchen table.

"I've spent the past 8 years trying to find you," he finished holding her chin.

Tobin was full of anger and jealousy. She paced around her living room. "Great, when I finally decide to make things right, he comes back." She knocked over her glass table, making a loud shattering noise.

She walked over to the refrigerator and yanked the alcohol from it.

"I hate him," she mumbled.

The following week, after the Thorns win over the Breakers, Tobin met up with Ashlyn. "Good game out there, nice assist," she commented. Tobin forced a smile and looked at the ground after seeing Vincent, Malik, and Alex walking to the car.

"You know what?"

Toin didn't answer. "We're going somewhere, I'm driving," she muttered, pulling her friend to her car.

They parked in front of Alex's house. "Ashlyn, why the hell are we here," she flustered. The friend stepped out of the car and signaled for Tobin to come with her. She knocked on the door before saying, "Tobin, me and you, we're family, I know what is best for you."

Tobin was confused. Ashlyn's hands were on the shorter girl's shoulders. She looked deeply into her friend's eyes which were tearing up. "I love you, man. I'm going to help you," she explained. Vincent then answered the door with Alex behind him.

"Is Malik in here," she asked. "No, he's in his room," answered Alex, switching her gaze to Tobin. "Okay, now get the fuck out of my way," said Ashlyn, bumping Vincent as she stepped into the house with Tobin behind her.

Alex, Vincent, and Tobin sat in the living room with Ashlyn walking around them. Then, the little boy came downstairs. "Lik, honey, go back to your room, mommy's busy," smiled Alex, rubbing his cheek with her thumb.

"What do you want," asked Vincent, glaring at Ashlyn. "I want to know why you came back. We told you not to."

Vincent eyeballed Tobin before speaking up, "I came back because, I love Alex." Tobin rolled her eyes, adding, "Save the bullshit for later, Vincent." Alex looked at her, shocked. "Then why did it take you such a long tie to come back, we only sent you Texas?"

"It took time-"

"Eight years?"

Tobin interrupted Vincent. He didn't love her, she knew he didn't. "Yes, eight years," he finished, looking over at Alex. The midfielder, took a deep breath. "Well, Alex, I want you to answer with full honesty."

Alex nodded. "Do you love Tobin?"

Alex nodded yes again. "Are you in love with Tobin," she asked. "No, not anymore. I stopped before I slept with Vincent," she admitted. Tobin was shocked. "I slept with Vincent because I fell in love with him."

Ashlyn looked over at her friend who gave Vincent a look that could kill if she wanted it to. "There you go, Tobin. The heartbreaking answer. So heartbreaking I hope it helps with getting over her," she said.

Tobin took another deep breath and stood up, walking to the door. Alex soon stood up and followed her outside. "Tobin we need to talk about this," said Alex placing her hand on her shoulder. Tobin let out a scoff and turned around to look at her.

"Alex, there's nothing more to talk about. This whole time you made me feel like I wasn't good enough when in reality, it's you who isn't enough. You were everything to me."

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