Chapter 19

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Marc Malik Morgan


Tobin finally arrived at Portland. After getting in her car, she decided to call Ashlyn. 

"Hey, I'm back in the U.S," she said, holding the phone to her ear as she stared out the window where a light drizzle fell on the city.

"Already?! You're going to Portland right?"

"Yep, I'm here already," she answered. Her driver turned down the street where her house was located.

The next day, Tobin got to her first training with the Thorns. Everyone on the team was very welcoming. They mentioned a girl named Alex who was going to miss the practice.

I wonder how she's been, she thought, passing the ball to her teammate, Allie. Is she still with that dude?

They huddled up and Sinclair, the team captain, talked to the team before running a small scrimmage. They broke out and headed to the two separate teams. "I've heard a lot from you, Tobin. You're a really creative player," commented Allie as they sat together.

Tobin smiled at the midfielder, "thank you."

The team's attention turned to the gate that opened then closed, revealing a tall, toned girl in a Nike jacket and Thorns warmups. "Sorry I was running late, I had to take Malik to his babysitter and my appointment got canceled," said a very familiar raspy voice rushing to coach Parsons.

Tobin turned around to see who it was. Alex, as in Alex Morgan, the girl I was so in love with in high school, thought Tobin, feeling uncomfortable. She froze at the sight of the forward's familiar glacier blue eyes. 

After she finished talking to the coach, Allie called her. "Hey girl," she smiled, standing up to hug her. "Hey, Allie," she breathed, showing her pearly teeth. "Our new teammate has arrived," she said, pointing to Tobin who pretended to fix her boots.

"Tobin," she said under breath as she froze too. She looked into her eyes as they glistened in the sun that was coming from behind a cloud. She wasn't over her. 

After practice, Tobin, Alex, and Allie went to get some ice cream. "So how was it playing for Paris Saint-Germain," asked Alex biting her cone, eyes glued to the girl.  "It was fun. I learned a little french," she nodded, chuckling. "Really! Say something," she jumped up. "Salut," she laughed.

"What does that mean," asked Allie. "Hi."

They group laughed.

A beautiful smile grew on her face. "So, I'm guessing you two know each other," smiled Allie. Tobin then thought of the times they had together, so did Alex. "Um, yeah," answered the new teammate.

The conversation then got awkward and a little tense. "I'm gonna go," she said, hurrying to her car. "Is something wrong," asked Allie, noticing the quick change in Tobin. She looked at Alex who was staring at her with hurt in her eyes.

"No, I just have to head to my new house," she said with a forced smile before getting into the Cadillac after her driver opened the door for her.

Alex headed over to Kelley's house where Malik stayed. "Hey Kels," she greeted. "He behaved well. I just bought him lunch and we watched the Barcelona and Granada game," said Kelley as Malik showed up behind her. "Hey 'lik," said Alex, lifting him.

The slightly tanned blue-eyed six-year-old smiled at his mother as she kissed his forehead.

"Thanks, Kel. Where's Hope," asked Alex as she fixed his combover. "She went to Ash's."

"Well, I gotta go. Thanks again," waved the girl, walking towards her car. She buckled Malik in his car seat.

Meanwhile, Tobin drove to Ashlyn's house. Her friends would be so happy to see her. She shoved the folded paper in her back pocket before knocking on the door. 

Ashlyn answered the door, smiling widely. "Tobin!" Hope quickly got up and ran to the door shouting, "My buddy!"

They hugged each other before letting her in. "Could you two like, keep it down," yawned Ali as she walked into the living room, rubbing her eyes. "We can't, babe. Look who's here," replied Ashlyn, slightly shaking her, holding her shoulders.

Ali opened her eyes and grinned. "Tobin, we missed you," she said, wrapping her arms around her.

One week later...

Today was Malik's birthday and Alex threw him a party at their house.

"Ashlyn, I can't have her here. It'll leave 'Lik wondering who she is and I don't wanna see her," explained Alex on the phone as she was cutting the tomatoes and onions for the burgers.

"Come on, Lex," begged Ashlyn with Tobin and Hope listening to their conversation. The blue eyes rolled as the girl grew annoyed.

Tobin and Hope arrived at Alex's house. They walked in with all eyes on them. Everyone got quiet.

"I told you not to invite her," scolded Alex pinching the blonde girl's tatted arm. "Ouch, I'm sorry," she winced, rubbing her arm.

Everyone smiled at Tobin and talked to her. Asking her questions like "how's it going?" and "how was Paris?". After talking and catching up with old friends, she decided to talk to the forward.

"Alex," she mumbled placing a hand on her shoulder. "What Tobin," asked Alex turning around, annoyed. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I brought 'Lik a-" Tobin was cut off by Alex. "That's Marc to you," she glared.

"I brought Marc a present," she restated. "Just leave it on the table over there," she pointed refusing to make eye contact. "Thank you."

"Alex, is there anything I can fix? Anything," she asked, feeling guilty.

"No, there's nothing you can do. This whole time I've been struggling with Malik. If you had never pulled the trigger on Vincent, I wouldn't have gone through so much," she admitted.

Tobin's eyes widened. She had forgotten about what happened to Vincent, she forgot he was dead. Was he?

I'm sure he is, she thought before continuing with Alex. "Le-" Tobin was cut off by Alex's finger. "I don't wanna hear it. Not after what you have caused." She felt anger burn in her blood, she loved Alex and to have her treat her this way hurt her.

"Well, if you had stayed loyal to me none of this would have happened. I would've never run off to Paris," she spoke up. Tobin wanted to punch herself for being so rude. "I'm sorry." She paced out of the kitchen and headed towards Hope.

Fuck Alex. She's right. Why couldn't I have stayed loyal to her? I loved her, she thought, fixing a plate for herself.

"Hope what do I do," asked Tobin beginning to feel uneasy. "Give her time."

"I can't. I want to talk to her now, without arguing," she replied.

Tobin saw the birthday boy and walked towards him. "Hey Mali-Marc," she smiled, crouching down at him messing up his hair.

"Hi," He responded with a beautiful smile. His eyes were a glacier color, like Alex's.

"Happy birthday," she smiled, picking him up, "How old are you turning?" Her smile grew.

"Seven, Mom says I'm getting old," he finished, showing seven fingers.

Tobin chuckled at the adorable boy. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you around buddy," she said, fist bumping him.

"Bye bye, thanks for coming," he waved, smiling with a missing tooth.

Alex saw and paid careful attention to Malik and Tobin's conversation. She missed her. Tobin walked up to Alex and sighed, "I'm gonna go."

"Bye, Tobin."

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