Chapter 11

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Moe's Sleepover


"Guys, we should go for a swim," suggested Meghan. The circle of girls and one guy-Dom-agreed and stood up. Tobin walked to her Challenger and pulled out a soccer ball. "Who wants to play a little scrimmage," asked Tobin spinning the ball on her finger with a smirk.

Most of the girls except for Morgan and Kling decided to play. The captains, Carli and Abby, chose their teams.

In Carli's team, it was Megan, Ash, Kelley, and Tobin.
Abby's team had Lauren, Alex, Ali, and Hope.

Moe and Kling went for a walk. The two girls sat in the shallow water, not really caring if they'd get their pants soaked. "Beautiful isn't it," smiled Meghan watching the moon as it reflected off the water. "I love Cali. I remember when I was leaving Georgia, I told myself I would hate it here," chuckled Moe leaning back on her arms.

Syd and Dom went to Dom's trunk and laid there, talking about different things. "Hey, I haven't met your parents," said Sydney with realization across her face. "My parents?"

Sydney nodded, wrapping her arms around her knees. "Well, my dad's a carpenter and my mom works at some office, I'll have you meet them," he smiled with his white pearly teeth, shining.

"Carli! Carli!" Tobin nutmegged Lauren, making her fall. "I'm just gonna lay here," she mumbled, feeling beat. Carli looked back at Tobin "Pass it! Pass it!" A perfect through pass was on its way to Carli but it was cut off by Ali. Abby's team scored.

"Hey, Lex," called Tobin."Yeah," responded the younger girl. "It's 6-4, better pick it up." The forward got into her game mode after hearing that from Tobin. She was a very competitive person, in fact, she would even play Monopoly, alone. The girls continued to play while Moe and Meghan were still talking. A silence fell between both girls before Meghan lightly shoved Morgan. "You're it."

"You're such a loser," laughed Morgan getting up to chase her friend.

Later that night, the team decided to go back to Morgan's, except for Dom of course. They showered then decided to play Hide N Seek in the dark.

 "-56,57,58,59,60. Ready or not, here I come," shouted Alex in a warning tone. Alex slowly walked into the living room and looked around. Tobin was hiding behind the door Alex opened while Kelley was behind the mini refrigerator next to the T.V.

The freckled girl held her breath as Alex tip-toed past the refrigerator. Once Alex passed Kelley, Kelley got up silently and tip-toed towards the hallway (base). As soon as she stepped on the hardwood, she slipped and luckily fell on the couch, which silenced her fall. 

Tobin saw Kelley's fall through the crack of the door. She covered her mouth and snickered. Alex quickly turned around, "I heard that. Tobin." She straightened up behind the door watching Alex's every move. Then she looked at Kelley and saw her slip again but this time she hit the floor.

The freckled girl shouted in pain, holding her hip. Alex ran to her, not holding back her laugh. Tobin then came from behind the door and turned on the lights. Everyone else ran over to see what was going on.

"How did you even slip," laughed Tobin. "My stupid socks," answered Kelley rubbing her back chuckling a bit. 

The girls were all sitting on Moe's carpet, playing music aloud. They were talking to each other about the upcoming soccer season and how close it was until Ain't it Fun started playing. "I love this song," shrieked Alex and Kelley.

Alex sang criss-crossed on Moe's floor moving her hips side to side, snapping her fingers to the beat. The whole team then stood up and began jumping around and dancing along. Tobin snuck over to the bed and took a pillow, so did Hope and Ash. "On three," mouthed Hope "One, two, three," Tobin ran to Alex and hit her with the pillow. "I'm gonna kill you!"

"You've already said that like twice today."

"Oh, this time I mean it," she joked, running up to her.

"I'd like to see you try," teased Tobin sticking her tongue out. She ran out of the room with Alex following her. Soon enough the whole team grabbed pillows from different rooms around the house. The team split in two and built their forts. "Okay ladies, we gotta finish what they started," commanded Alex with two lines drawn across her cheeks.

"We're gonna ambush them," declared Tobin, clapping her hands before checking if anyone was outside the fort. "Hope, get back in here!" She pulled her into the fort and whispered, "What are you doing soldier you're gonna get us killed!" 

Still into You began playing right when both teams charged at each other. Alex swung at Tobin and missed because the girl was too quick. She grabbed Alex's arms and put them behind her back.

The feathers floating in the living room surrounded the players. Tobin looked deeply into her ocean like eyes. "Alex, I know we've only gone on one date but-" Alex hushed Tobin and put her finger over her mouth. "Shh," she whispered.

Everything froze, it was just Alex and Tobin. Tobin leaned in for the perfect kiss but Alex denied. She was confused until Carli and Abby came from behind and pushed her to their fort. "Sorry," mouthed Alex with puppy dog eyes.

Tobin saw Ali was taking Ash and Kelley was taking Hope too. "They tricked you too," chuckled Hope. Tobin nodded rolling her eyes. "Shh! You're a prisoner you can't talk," scolded Kelley. "Dang you're hot even when you're serious," whispered Hope biting her lip making her blush. 

Alex caught up to Tobin. "So what were you going to tell me," whispered Alex with a crooked smile. "Oh, I'll tell day." Lauren, Meghan, and Megan were left alone. "We gotta think of a plan to get them ou," thought Lauren aloud. 

The three girls were in "prison".

"This is what happens when you attack the officers of Morganville," warned Moe. "Gettem outta my sight. I don't want to see them again," she commanded playfully. "Got it, Boss," joked Alex, holding Tobin's arms which were tied in some cloth.

"You think my team is gonna let you get away with this," chuckled Hope. "Quiet, Hope Solo," spat Kelley holding back a laugh. "Oh no you don't," shouted Kling busting through Moe's door with a foam sword. Megan and Lauren were right behind her with Nerf guns.

"This could've gone a completely different way, Alex," smiled Tobin as Lauren untied her hands. Pinoe handed Tobin a Nerf gun.

Lauren shot Sydney in the stomach. "Ow my six pack," shouted Sydney falling back making everybody laugh. Alex charged at Lauren with a pillow. "Lauren, watch out," warned Hope with Kelley holding onto her.

She hit Lauren in the back of the head, making her fall forward. "That's it, Ms. Alex Morgan," said Tobin aimed the toy at Kelley, "Let her go." Kelley did as told and Tobin threw Hope a Nerf gun. Megan, Tobin, and Hope pointed their weapons at Kelley, Alex, and Ali, making Ali let Ash go. They shot both girls on the chest.

"We won, losers!" Tobin's team high-fived each other. The losing team had to do dares they couldn't back out of. 

The girls finally fell asleep. Alex and Tobin in the guest room bed, because they called dibs. Hope and Kelley on the guest room floor. Ash and Ali on the living room couch. Megan knocked out in the restroom. Cheney, Syd, and Abby on the living room floor. Kling slept on Morgan's floor while Morgan slept on her bed.

"Today was fun," whispered Alex ith her face stuffed in the crook of Tobin's neck. Tobin smiled, "Yes, it was also very intense." She looked up at Tobin who was slowly but surely falling asleep. "So you're not telling me?"

"I promise I'll tell you sometime soon.."

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