Chapter 2

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One Night


Tobin was still thinking about Cheney's question. She knew the answer she just didn't know it was obvious. Stop overthinking, Cheney's your best friend of course she's gonna notice something, she thought as she showered.

After spending ten minutes on what to wear for the night, she finally made up her mind. She slipped on an Adidas long sleeve, buttoned her cargo shorts, then pulled up her long Nike socks a little bit before tying her Sperry's. 

There was the stupid ring again. "Hello?"

"Tobin, it's Alex. I'm calling from my sister's phone because mine's dead. Do you think you could pick me up?"

"Yeah, I was already going to head to Hope's, I'll be there in ten."

She knocked on the door. Then she heard the raspy voice yell from inside. "Just a second!" 

The door slowly opened. "You ready," asked the shorter girl. "Almost, you can come in." Tobin walked into the two story house and sat in the living room. Meanwhile, Alex was turning off the lights in the house and leaving her mom a note.

They pulled up at Hope's and greeted all of their friends. "Hey! You two ready for tonight," asked Dom with his arm on Sydney's shoulders. The house was pretty crowded with the group of friends. After spending sometime all together, the group drove to the party with their rides.

The two friends were excited. "Tobin?"


"Servando doesn't know I'm going out today. Could you keep it that way?"

Tobin smirked then agreed. "I'm surprised you aren't with him right now."

"Yeah, we kinda got into an argument this morning. I just want to give us a little space," she frowned.

They parked down the street and walked over to the house. There were people outside enjoying themselves, chilling. "Party time dude," said Hope, patting Tobin's back, making her jump.

They walked into the full house and met up with Meghan who was talking to Morgan.

A couple hours into the party, they went out to the backyard where people hung out by the pool. "Tobin," slurred Alex. "Alex, I think we should actually head to my house, you've had too much to drin-"

"Oh shut up and have some fun, Tobin." Tobin raised an eyebrow with a surprised look. "Fun? Alex, I'm the funnest person here," she stated. "Prove it," she smirked. I will, she thought. "Nah. I gotta take you home."

The taller girl rolled her eyes and held onto Tobin's hand as she pulled her to the alley that led to the front yard. "I don't wanna go yet," she whined. "I know but I have to take you home. If something happens to you, I'm in trouble."

Alex groaned in frustration before pushing her against the wooden fence, crashing her lips with Tobin's. Everything in the older girl wanted to continue the kiss but she still pulled away. "Okay now you're really drunk."

She didn't want to come off as the "party pooper", which is something she knew Alex was going to say on the ride back, but she had too. Tobin walked Alex to the car. She started the car and looked over at the girl. 

She looks so cute, thought Tobin. Alex huffed with her arms crossed on her chest. "Buckle your belt."


The older girl hid her smile. It was like dealing with a child. She leaned over and reached for the belt, pulling it across Alex's chest to buckle it. Alex held back her smile,the same way Tobin did, pretending to be mad. 

Tobin locked the door behind her before taking her Sperry's off. "Look, Alex. I'm sorry." Alex looked at her friend and sighed. "I guess I forgive you. Now I know not to let you be my ride," she joked. 

Both girls let out a small laugh.

The midfielder smiled then walked up to the girl. She pushed Alex's loose bangs behind her ear and resisted leaning in. Just freaking kiss me already, thought the slightly taller girl. "I'm gonna go pick up some food," she mumbled, pulling back. "Feel free to shower and borrow some of my clothes if you want."

Later that night, Alex got out of the shower and changed into a baggy t-shirt and shorts. She had never really been at Tobin's. Well she did a couple times before but she never actually stayed for longer than an hour. 

She sat on Tobin's bed and looked through her phone for the first time that night. 

5 missed calls from Serv
3 unread messages from Serv

She sighed, reading the messages. "Alex, I know you're out right now. I had a friend tell me," she mumbled. "Oh my gosh! What if someone told him about me and Tobin?"

Luckily, no one did. Alex kinda felt like she wouldn't care if they did. Don't think that way, he's your boyfriend, she thought to herself. "I'm back with some Chinese!"

Alex looked down at her stomach that grumbled. She ran to the kitchen, sliding hen she turned the corner. "Watch out," warned Tobin, catching her. They're eyes had a connection that both girls didn't want to think about.

The crystal blue eyes were lost in Tobin's caramel eyes. "I uh..I brought some noodles," stammered Tobin, breaking the connection. Alex cleared her throat and separated herself from Tobin's surprisingly tight grip she hadn't notice before.

"Thank you."

Later that night, Tobin took a shower then headed to bed while Alex went to the guest room. Alex thought about the party and the kiss with Tobin. She could've sworn she felt something for her in that kiss. 

I'm not gay, she thought to herself.

Maybe I am.

"Would I have done it if I wasn't drunk?" The thinking gave her a headache and prevented her from sleeping. Then, she walked over to Tobin's room. "Alex? What are you doing," mumbled Tobin, rubbing her eyes.

"I-I couldn't sleep," she said, holding a thin blanket over her shoulders. Tobin scooted over to one side of the bed and fluffed the pillow for her. "Goodnight, Lex."


Tobin popped one eye open. "Yeah?"

"When I kissed you earlier, I felt something," she whispered in the quiet, dark room. Tobin inhaled deeply. "No, you were just drunk," she answered, trying to change Alex's mind. "Well, I'm not drunk anymore."

"Yeah, now you're just tired. Go to sle-"

"Shh." Alex put her finger over Tobin's lips, beginning to straddle her waist. "Alex, I don't think we sh-" Tobin was sitting up, slowly pulling Alex's hand away but was quickly pushed back by the forward.

"Tobin, shut up," muttered Alex. Tobin raised an eyebrow, surprised. Slowly, Alex pulled Tobin's long sleeve off, revealing her chiseled abdomen before kissing her again.

(Author's note)


So I realized that all my chapters on this book are like, short. I'm going to try to make them longer.

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