Chapter 13

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I Don't Deserve You


Tobin's face was in her hands and suddenly, everything about one night was coming back. "Tobin, what are you talking about," questioned Hope with furrowed eyebrows.

"It was some guy," she mumbled. She was so lost in what had happened that she was barely able to talk. The news about Jeremy hit her like a truck and when Alex left her for Vincent made her ache even more.

"Who," cursed Ashlyn, fixing her hat. Tobin sat up and looked at her two friends with puffy eyes. "A couple months ago, when we were coming from New York, I went h-home." The word just couldn't roll off of her tongue.

"He was dealing and some guy, Rocky, threatened him so he shot him." Ashlyn and Hope leaned in closer to show more interest in my flashback. "The next night, Steve knocked on Jeffrey's door and warned him," she sniffled, "He didn't do anything because Steve had two guys behind him and cars parked outside watching his every move. He told me he would've done something if I wasn't there. He didn't want anything to happen to me."

"Dang" sighed Hope.

Soon enough they left Tobin alone to give her some alone time.

Tobin then drove to Alex's house and knocked on her door, an answer coming within seconds. There she was, Alex Morgan. "Alex," she froze. She missed everything about her, just seemed so perfect.

"What, Tobin," answered the beautiful girl. She's beautiful, even when she's mad, she thought. Tobin cupped her cheek with her hand and looked into her eyes. Alex denied making eye contact, she always did. "I just need you to hear what I have to say." The forward frowned, feeling guilty for the pain she made her feel.

"I love you, Lex," her eyes held Alex's, "and it's because I love you that. I can't be selfish with you."

Alex took a deep breath, getting chills as Tobin rubbed her soft arm. "And why you can't know this, I don't deserve you but Vincent does." She leaned in and kissed Alex's forehead. "God, I wish you hadn't loved him."

They looked deeply into each other's eyes, saying no more words. "But you do." She turned around and walked away, wiping her eyes. Alex opened her hand and looked at the necklace Tobin was planning to give her weeks before she left her.

The next morning they took showers and got ready for school. They were late but it didn't matter. Right now, nothing mattered to Tobin only Alex did. She wore a new tank top with some ripped regular fit jeans and vans. Before heading out the door, she fixed her sunglasses.

They drove to school in Hope's black Range Rover. When they arrived, they split to go to class. She headed to 4th period. "Kind of you to join us," said the teacher in a rude tone as Tobin closed the door behind her.

She sat down with all eyes on her and the teacher continued to talk about the subject. Sitting only a couple rows from Alex, they never exchanged a single glance, as if the other didn't exist. But deep down, they still meant a lot to each, they felt for each other so much.

Deep down, Tobin regretted punching Vincent after Alex told her she had more feelings for him than she did for her.

The lunch bell rang and the midfielder walked out of class before the teacher dismissed them. "Tobin Heath, get back here," yelled Mrs. Brooks. "Fuck you," she yelled back flicking her off before meeting up with Ash and Hope.

"Hey Rafael!" yelled Hope. Rafael saw Hope and quickened his pace. She began to jog to catch up to him, shuffling through the students carrying their bags and backpacks. Finally, she caught up to Rafael.

"Hey, where's my fucking money," threatened Hope as she pushed Rafael to the lockers, gripping his collar. "I n-need more time," sputtered the helpless freshman. "No more time. You've used it all," said Hope pulling back her fist.

"Hey hey hey!" Tobin broke through the crowd forming around the angry goalkeeper. "What the fuck Hope, how much does he owe you?"

"Twenty," mumbled Hope. "Just--get over it. Let's go to lunch before the Principal catches up," she suggested before walking to the cafeteria with Hope and Ash following.

Together, they walked into the cafeteria and bought lunch. After getting her tray, Tobin had nowhere to sit. Ashlyn and Hope sat with their girls which sat on the same table as Alex. "Fuck it," she thought aloud.

She sat next to her blonde friend and Alex made no eye contact. "We went to L.A," said Hope trying to make conversation with the group of friend.

Tobin zoned out, staring at Alex. She watched every move she made, she was just so beautiful. "Tobin," mumbled Ash elbowing me. The whole table looked at her as if she was crazy, including Alex. "Oh uh I'm sorry," she said in a quiet voice, rubbing the back of her neck.

The table continued their conversation, ignoring what just happened. "Alex, may I have a word alone with you, please," she begged quietly, holding onto Alex's arm as she was exiting the cafeteria with Kelley and Ali. "Whatever you're gonna say, say it in front of them too," said Alex finally making eye contact.

"Okay." She took a deep breath and began, "I did wrong." Alex crossed her arms and signaled for her two friends to leave. "I'm sorry about Vincent. I'm sorry about what I said last night, it was the most selfish thing I've ever said," she continued, "You can hate me all you want. Just know that I'm sorry."

"Hope, Ash and I have to go. Bye, Alex," she huffed before walking up to her two friends who were waiting by the main doors.

They went to Tobin's apartment where they had everything ready. The girl pulled out a shoe box filled with money. The box had a good 10,000 dollars but that was nothing compared to what she had compared to her bank account.

They were good and they were ready to go. They headed to the airport and took off to Basking Ridge. She was going home, to make things right. I'll see you soon, Alex. Forgive me if I don't come back, she thought.

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