Chapter 4

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What happened the past days still made Tobin's heart ache. She should've never let Alex do that.

As she drove to school, her thoughts were on the girl and how she was going to say goodbye.

She got out of the car and met up with Sydney and the rest of the group. "Hey, guys" she greeted, hiding her frown. The group responded with a small wave or hug.

She took a deep sigh for it would be the last time she was going to see them for the next couple of months. "I'm kinda not gonna be here for the next couple of months," she said, rubbing the back of her neck. 

"What? Why?"

"I'm just gonna go visit my dad," she lied. She didn't want to tell them the truth about why she was leaving; although, she didn't know it herself. "Well you better be back for football season," smiled Carli. "We're gonna miss you."

The bell rang and the girls had a group hug. "Bye, Tobin!"

Megan and Morgan joined Tobin as she walked to 1st period. They talked about the party and how it was "fun". She finally got to class, said her goodbyes to the two girls, and took a seat, in the back of the class, alone.

Then, The Beautiful Alex Morgan walks in a couple minutes late. Tobin tried to focus on the lesson even though there really wasn't a point. She just wanted to get her mind off of the girl. She decided not to tell her goodbye, it would be too difficult. 

Saturday night replayed in her mind as she zoned out. "Ms Heath, may you stop staring at your girlfriend and focus?" She quickly awoke from my daydream and replied, "Girlfriend?"

"You heard me now focus," scolded the rude teacher. "Man, fuck this," she said before calmly walking out of the quiet classroom.

Alex had noticed Tobin couldn't stop staring at her. She admitted had to admit it, she liked the attention. It's kinda cute how Tobin's dark brown eyes could penetrate you at any second, she thought. She missed Tobin and her smile the day before. 

When Tobin walked out of class and left. She saw her throw her backpack on the passenger seat of her car and saw how angry she was through the window in class. Wait where is she going, she thought to herself. Soon enough, she followed and walked out of class at a quick pace. She got into her car and followed Tobin, setting a distance so the other girl wouldn't notice.

Tobin went into her house and took her backpack with her. A couple minutes later she walked out with her luggage. "Is she leaving? Where is she going? Why? Was it what I said?" The questions ran through Alex's mind as Tobin was putting her suitcases in the trunk.

Alex got out of her car and jogged to Tobin who was closing the trunk. "Tobin, what are you doing?"

The shorter girl turned around, quite surprised to see the girl that stood before her. "I'm leaving for a couple of months."

Alex's face fell. "Why? Was it what I said? Look, Tobin, I didn't mean any of that. I just felt bad for cheating on Servando. Just please don't leave," she begged. Hope was kinda right, thought Tobin.

"I'm sorry, Lex," Tobin said as she put one hand on her friend's shoulder and used the other to pick her chin up so she could look at her. "Well, why are you leaving?"

"I don't know," croaked Tobin in a shaky voice as she was fighting back her tears. "But Tobin."

"Yes beautiful?" Alex was a little surprised, she wasn't used to Tobin calling her that.  "I think I like you, Tobin."

Tobin's eyes widened "W-What?"

Alex couldn't believe what she said. She didn't even know how she felt about Tobin, why would she even say that?

"I'm sorry, Alex. I don't want to come between you and Servando," Tobin said brush her arm. "I'm gonna go. I'll be back I promise," she said before kissing Alex's forehead and wiping the tears off of her face.

"This isn't's more like a 'see you later thing'," she said with a tear on her face following with a smile. "Ok, Tobin, I'll see you later."

"See you later, Lex."

Soon enough, Tobin was gone.

For Tobin, it was heartbreaking to even say "see you later". Every word Alex said made her think more than once about her departure.

"Here we go," sighed the brunette as the plane took off. Maybe I should go see Dad, she thought. She sat next to a girl who she thought was pretty cute. "So do you live in New York or are you just visiting," she asked hoping for a reply.

"I'm visiting my family over there. I haven't seen them in a while," she said with a kind and perfect smile. "Nice." A comfortable silence fell between the girls. "Oh, how rude of me, I'm Tobin Heath and you are?"

"Christen, Christen Press."

"Nice to meet you, Christen," she responds with a smirk. Christen gasps. "What is it?"

"Are you the Tobin Heath that nutmegged a player after nutmegging the other at the state champs last year," she asks with a lot of excitement in her tone. "Yep, that's me," she answered with a chuckle.

"Wow, I've seen you play a couple of times, you're really good," said the striker with a cute smirk. "Thanks," beamed Tobin, shrugging her shoulders. "Have you played Monopoly Deal?" asked Christen reaching in her backpack pulling out the deck of cards.

"Yeah, I used to play it with one of my closest friends," she replied, now forcing a smile.

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