Chapter 14

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For Jeffery


They finally arrived at Basking Ridge. The smell brought back so many memories of Perry, Jeffery, and Katie. Nostalgic. The girls left the airport and went to their hotel room. Hope dropped her bags on her bed and Ash did the same. "Okay, so, I got some info on Steve," said Ashlyn turning on her laptop.

She managed to hack into the man's accounts and freeze them. "Done, now he won't be able to access anything for now," she confirmed, clapping both hands together. "Next, we break into his condo and shut off all cameras and electronic thingies," added Hope putting on a black sweater.

They dressed up in all black and made sure to put up their hair so none of it lands on anything in there.

"Clothes? Check. Car? Check. Equipment?"

"Got it," said Hope bringing two suitcases with her. One with the laptop, and the other with cameras and mics. They left in Jeffery's black Cadillac.

After the drive, they had finally arrived at Steve's condo. It was beautiful. Tobin parked in an alley a couple buildings down.

They exited the Cadillac and she opened the trunk. They blonde friend used her flashlight to see what was in there. "You thought I'd forget weapons?" I chuckled. Each girl got a Colt 9 mm that was all gold with their initials engraved on the grip and it had a silencer on the barrel. "Sick," commented one girl sticking the handgun in her pants. Next, they each got an M16 assault rifle with a scope and a silencer.

They painted two black stripes on our faces.

"For Jeffery," whispered Tobin. "For Jeffery," they repeated patting her back. Carefully, they climbed the ladders, and in minutes got to the roof. Ashlyn turned on her laptop and confirmed the hack. Numbers and random letters popped up on the screen. It read 79% complete. After a couple more minutes of waiting, the laptop finally read, "Hack Complete." She stuffed the laptop in the briefcase. "Let's do this."

Tobin pulled the bandit mask over her face.

She slowly opened the roof door and all the lights were off. "We have about 30 minutes before the police come and reset the electricity," whispered Hope checking her G-shock. They aimed down our rifles as they wandered quietly through the top floor. Finally, they found Steve's room. The hack Ashlyn did messed up the special locks on the doors, making it easier for them to enter the room. 

"Ah you must be the youngest of the Heaths," said a voice behind the three girls. "How nice of you to check on me," he finished. They quickly turned on the flashlights on our M16s and aimed it at him. "I know you killed him," said Tobin in a shaky voice. "You sound afraid," he replied putting his hands up in surrender.

"I'm not" she responded this time with a stern voice. She put my hand up and clenched her fist, telling the girls to draw their weapons. "Take him," she demanded. They did as told and got a strong grip on both of Steve's arms. She let go of her rifle, all that was holding it was the strap wrapped around her slim body.

A group of men with their arms walked into the dark room. The flashlights on the girls' rifles gave their spot away. "Drop the weapon," shouted one man. Hope tossed her rifle, distracting the men, while the two other girls turned off the lights.

Tobin held Steve close to her and stood up behind him. She pulled the trigger, intending to miss to make the men shoot at him. She shoved him to the men and jumped out of the window, landing on the building right next to it with Hope and Ashlyn right behind her.


Perry opened the door after hearing someone knock. "Tobin," yelled a voice from Perry's kitchen before Tobin took a breath. "Katie," smiled Tobin. Katie ran to her and hugged me as tight as she could. "I missed you so so much sis," she whispered.

Katie walked up to Hope and Ash. "I've heard so much from you two. Thanks for keeping her safe," she sighed hugging both girls.

They talked for a couple hours then they had to head back home. "We have to go. We can't miss our flight,"  sighed Tobin, standing up. "See you later, Tobs," replied both girls with watery eyes. "Love you guys."

Tobin sat down on her seat, thinking about Alex and Alex only. She looked out the window then breathed, "Bye home."

"It's alright man. We'll be back" said Ash patting my back comforting me.

The next morning, Tobin's buzzing phone woke her up. When had she had a day where her phone didn't wake her up? She groaned, rubbing her eyes before answering the phone.


"Hey, Tobin, it's Kelley, where were you three this past couple of days," she asked with a very worried tone. "We went to Basking Ridge. Why?"

"Because you had Alex, Ali, and I worried sick. Hope wasn't returning my calls which made me feel worse."

"Wait, Alex," asked Tobin, quickly sitting up. "Yes, Tobin. Alex. You know, just because she's mad doesn't mean she doesn't care." Those words made Tobin feel slightly better. She cared.

"Yeah. I really am sorry though," she responded, with a small smile. "Are you coming to school today?"

"Um, yeah, I guess."

" Okay, I'll see you three there."

She hung up the phone and went to the kitchen to find Hope and Ash already awake, eating cereal. "Morning," she mumbled, serving herself a bowl too. "Hey," replied Ash and Hope. "Are we going to school today?" 

"Yeah," answered Tobin. Hope stood up and put her bowl and spoon in the sink and went upstairs. "I'm gonna take a shower and get ready," she shouted, going to the restroom in the hallway.

They parked in my usual parking spot, they weren't late this time. Before stepping out of the car, they talked about the night before. "We aren't going to tell anyone about this weekend. Got it?"

"Got it."

"Aren't you a little relieved we didn't actually kill the guy," wondered Ashlyn. Tobin thought about that. "Sorta."

She quietly walked to her first period and entered the room. Once Tobin stepped in, she laid her eyes on Alex. They looked at each other until Alex got up from her seat and scolded her saying, "Where were you? You had Kelley, Ali, and I worried sick."

"I know I know," she responded, sitting down, "I was at Basking Ridge."

"Tobin," said the taller girl, pulling her chin up to look at her, "I forgive you." Tobin's eyes enlightened and a smile grew big on her face. She held Alex's waist and leaned in to kiss her but she rejected it. "We need to talk," whispered Alex with her arms crossed.

She checked the clock and we still had 10 minutes till class started. Why am I here so early, she thought. "We could talk in the courtyard," suggested the happy girl. Alex nodded and they walked together.

"What is it, Lex?" She sat down next to the forward. "That night," she responded. "Which one," she wondered, holding her hands.

"A couple days ago, when you came to my house. What you told me, I-"

Tobin hushed her. "There's no need to worry about that. I meant what I said. It was selfish, I know. I told you that I wouldn't be selfish with you but I can't watch you love him." Alex held back her tears before hugging, Tobin.

"I miss you. I miss talking to you and hanging out with you. I'm sorry Tobs," she sighed. "Come on, let's get to class."

They walked together with Tobin asking, "So how's it going with Vincent?"

"I honestly don't know. He's been pretty distant lately," Alex shrugged. "Yeah, I noticed you seemed a little down when I walked in," she responded letting Alex walk into the classroom first.

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