Chapter 8

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Mr. Vinny Vincent is Here


Alex looked deeply into Tobin's eyes, and Tobin looked deeply into Alex's. "Okay," replied Alex as she sat next to Tobin. "What time is it, Lex?" asked Tobin while yawning. "12:17," said Alex as she put a small blanket over her and turned on the tv. Tobin faked a yawn and put her arm over Alex's shoulder.

"Really Toby," chuckled Alex as she rolled her eyes playfully at Tobin. Alex soon started to drift off and fell asleep on Tobin's arm. She's so beautiful, thought Tobin. She carried Alex and gently laid her down on her bed. "Night, Lex."

Tobin's buzzing phone woke her up just seconds after falling asleep. She hummed, answering the phone, who was calling her so late?


"Don't 'hello' me, who the heck is at your house and who were you with at the party, Tobin?"

Tobin yawned and looked at her phone's screen. Christen? Christen! "What are you talking about," she groaned, sitting up. "I'm not stupid, Tobin. I have friends who were telling me they saw you leaving the party all drunk with some girl."

"That's my friend, Alex."

"So you were at a party with your really pretty girlfriend. The one you never stopped talking about when I met you," she asked, furiously. Tobin muttered something under her breath. "Yes, that friend. Not a big deal."

"Not a big deal? Tobin, I know you liked her."

Like, corrected Tobin in her head. "Well, I'm over her so-"

"Oh don't bother lying because we're done."

"We're done? Alright," mumbled Tobin, hanging the phone up. She lied back down with her hands resting on her forehead. "Oh well," she sighed, falling back to sleep.


Tobin groaned as she stood up and walked to the restroom in the hallway while Alex showered in the guest room. She walked out of the shower in a sports bra and cargo shorts while putting her hair up in a loose bun.

As she was walking to her room, looking down at her phone, she accidentally bumped into the forward. "Oh sorry, Toby, I d-didn't see you there," said Alex as she practically had to tear her eyes from the girl's abs.

"It's fine," responded Tobin as she had one eyebrow up, her phone now stuffed in her pocket. "Umm I'm going t- I'll be in the living room," stammered Alex looking down hiding the fact that she was blushing.

Damn, Alex! What's wrong with you? They're just abs don't over react. Then again they are Tobin's, thought Alex.

She was totally checking my abs out. No, she wasn't, Tobin, thought the shorter girl as she was fixing her shirt.

"Come on, Lex, it's school time," said Tobin in a kid voice. "Oh shut up." 

"Hey, I am the Tobin Heath. I don't joke around like that not even when I'm on the field," said Tobin in a tough guy voice getting a laugh from Alex. Her laughing soon stopped when Tobin opened the car door for her.

"I do not want to go to school," sighed Alex, thinking of Servando. "You'll be fine."

Tobin's Challenger rumbled loudly before peeling off and getting to the corner of her street in seconds. Tobin tried to get Alex to forget about Servando by cracking a couple of jokes, which worked. "Gosh you're such a child," chuckled Alex as Tobin stopped at a red light. 

The lunch bell rang, letting all the students out from their classes.

Tobin jogged to Alex to catch up to her. "Hey," she smiled, grabbing Alex's books to carry them for her. She walked with her to her locker and Alex opened it so she can place them in there. "Thanks, Toby, what would I do without you," she cooed squeezing Tobin's cheek.

Alex continued walking while Tobin stayed behind, frozen. "Oh my gosh, Tob, I'm starving," she said, walking back to pull Tobin out of her trance. Seconds later right outside the cafeteria door the two girls noticed a group of girls blocking the doors.

"What the heck are they blocking the doors for? I'm hungry!"

Alex noticed Tobin's face slightly change.

"What is it?

"Mr. 'Vinny Vincent' is here," said Tobin with a jealous tone, rolling her eyes. Alex ignored Tobin's comment and tiptoed to see over the crowd of girls and laid her eyes on Vincent.

She walked through the crowd of annoying girls and smiled at the boy she saw just yesterday. "Vinny, hey." Vinny? Wow, she nicknamed him? Great just great, she thought.

Tobin walked into the cafeteria alone and noticed Hope angry and Ashlyn sitting next to her comforting her. "Sup, Ash. What's up, Hope," asked Tobin sitting down next to Hope.

"She said it's over" replied Hope looking down feeling guilty. "Why? What happened," asked Tobin worried about her sister-like friend. "She said someone told her that I was with some other girl and that I said Kelley isn't anything to me," mumbled the other girl, holding back tears.

"Well did you," asked Tobin knowing it was a stupid question. "No, Tobin, what the fuck? Why would I," said Hope raising her voice. "Then if it's not true, it's her loss. I mean she fucked up by believing someone who isn't supposed to be in your business," responded Tobin.

"You're right Tob," sniffled Hope. "Let's leave this dump, come on guys let's go to my house or the mall or something, I'm bored," huffed Tobin, standing up. The two friends agreed to go. Before walking out of the cafeteria, Tobin saw Alex and Vincent sitting together eating their lunch, laughing, talking, and having fun.

Tobin couldn't help but frown. Seconds later Alex and Vincent were walking together after throwing their trash away and Alex bumped into her. "Hey, what's up, Toby," asked Alex with a big smile. "Oh, nothing," replied Tobin bummed out.

"Where are you, Ash, and Hope going," asked the curious forward. "Out. Have fun with that--bye, Alex," responded Tobin avoiding eye contact. It was a rude response which made Vincent ask,"what was that all about?"

"Oh, uh--psh, I don't know," said Alex pretending to not care. Tobin heard that and that hurt her most. "Just forget about that, anyway tell me about you."

Now I'm hurt.

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