Liam Payne's Secret Sister

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Anna's POV

"Anna go clean the study." My foster mom, Rebecca, told me.

"Why would I do that?" I Refused.

"What have I told you about back talk young lady?" she said in a warning tone.

I sighed and got up. "Yes, Rebecca."

I climbed up the steps to the study and started to tidy everything. I started humming happily. No I'm not happy being a personal servant. I'm happy because tomorrow is my 18th birthday and I'm leaving. forever.

I cleaned hurriedly, and then retreated to my room. It was small. A closet really. I grabbed my black suitcase and packed everything I owned which wasnt much.

“Anna!” Rebeca called. I tucked my suitcase behind me and exited my closet/room.

“Dinner.” She snapped. Throwing a plate on the table. A sandwich and some chips. I ate it and returned to my packing.

When I was done it was only 10:00 Rebeca didnt go to sleep until 11:00 I sighed and sat on my bed. I ran my fingers over the scratchy sheets and sighed. I didnt know where i was going I know where my real mom is and i know that i can get there, but what then?

My mind raced and I pulled my long pink hair into a ponytail. My phone buzzed and I grabbed it. There was a text from my friend Kayla. I ignored it and saw it was 11:15 I grabbed my suitcase and slipped out of the front window. After making sure it was shut I hailed a cab and drove to the airport.

I boarded my plane and drifted off dreaming of what would happen next.

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