Chapter 1

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Liam's POV

"Good job boys you can go home now!" Called the producer.

We all cheered and shook hands. The boys and I had just finished recording our third album. "So what shall we do now lads?" Louis asked.

"I'm starving let's go eat." Niall said.

We rolled our eyes "Your always hungry, Mate." I laughed. We decided to go eat anyway. When we got out of the studio there were about 60 tween girls swarming the studio. Security surrounded us and we waved before getting into our cars. Niall and Louis in my Ferrari, and Harry and Zayn in Harry's Mercadies.

We pulled up to Nando's and got out we went in and took a seat at the table and then a blonde waitress came over and took our order. After we ate we went back to our flats we all lived next door to each other so we said bye and went into our flats.

That's when I got a call on my mobile, it was from my mum. "Ello?"

"Hi sweetheart how are you?" She asked.

"Good, just finished the album."

"That's great Honey. I'm Afraid I've got some news for you." She said nervously.

"What is it Mum?"

"I.. um.. Can you come over?"

"Sure. I'll be there soon." with that I hung up and went to my car. The drive to my mum's Flat was full of questions leaving me very anxious by the time I got there.

I climbed up the steps and let myself in. My mum smiled at me and led me to the living room. On the couch was a girl with long pink hair and a gorgeous body, texting.

"Liam, this is Annabelle."

She threw up a hand not bothering to look up. Why was my mum showing me her. Reading my expression, she spoke up. "She is your sister."

My eyes widened. "How?"

"Not important." she said, "Would you mind taking her to stay with you for a bit?"

I was about to say no before I saw the desperation on my mother's face. "Sure." She hugged me. "Thank you."

Annabelle stood up and put her phone in her pocket and gave our mom a hug. She looked at me and I said "Hey."

"Shall we?" she said, American accent. Shit the boys. They are NOT allowed to even think about her in a romantic way.

The way there I learned she likes to be called Anna, she's really funny and nice. Protective instinct kicked in quickly she was my little sister and I was gonna protect her.

When we got to my flat I showed her to the room across from mine. "You can stay here." That's when I realized she had no other clothes. "Do you need pajamas?" I asked.

She looked embarrassed but nodded I went to my room I picked out a large tee-shirt and handed it to her. "Thanks Liam." She smiled. She went into the bedroom and changed. She walked out and I saw the tee-shirt easily covered her small but curvy body. She yawned. "I'm tired. I think I'm gonna go to bed." She Said.

I nodded and turned to go to my room that's when I felt arms around my waist. "Thank you." She whispered.

"No problem. Sweet dreams, Sis." I smiled and we went to our rooms.

Liam Payne's Secret SisterWhere stories live. Discover now